Statistics::Basic::Mode - find the mode of an array
Invoke it this way:
my $mode = mode(1,2,3,3);
Or this way:
my $v1 = vector(1,2,3,3);
my $mod = mode($v1);
And then either query the values or print them like so:
print "The mod of $v1: $mod\n";
my $mq = $mod->query;
my $m0 = 0+$mod; # this will croak occasionally, see below
The mode of an array is not necessarily a scalar. The mode of this vector is a vector:
my $mod = mode(1,2,3);
my $v2 = $mod->query;
print "hrm, there's three elements in this mode: $mod\n"
if $mod->is_multimodal;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
print "hrm, there's three elements in this mode: $mod\n"
if blessed($v2) and $v2->isa("Statistics::Basic::Vector");
Create a 20 point "moving" mode like so:
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select col1 from data where something");
my $len = 20;
my $mod = mode();
$sth->execute or die $dbh->errstr;
$sth->bind_columns( my $val ) or die $dbh->errstr;
my $count = $len;
while( $sth->fetch ) {
$mod->insert( $val );
if( -- $count <= 0 ) {
print "Mode: $mod\n";
The full details are probably in the base module. If you have questions, just let me know.
Paul Miller <>
perl(1), Statistics::Basic