Math::Business::MACD - Technical Analysis: Moving Average Convergence/Divergence
use Math::Business::MACD;
# WARNING: To clear up any confusion, Appel used 12-26-9 rather
# than the 26,12,9 shown here -- that is, he used
# fast-slow-trigger instead of slow-fast-trigger as used below.
my ($slow, $fast, $trigger) = (26, 12, 9);
my $macd = new Math::Business::MACD;
$macd->set_days( $slow, $fast, $trigger );
# alternatively/equivelently
my $macd = new Math::Business::MACD( $slow, $fast, $trigger );
# or to just get the recommended model ... (26,12,9)
my $macd = Math::Business::MACD->recommended;
my @closing_values = map { 3+ int rand 27 } 1 .. $slow+$fast;
# choose one:
$macd->insert( @closing_values );
$macd->insert( $_ ) for @closing_values;
print " MACD: ", scalar $macd->query, "\n",
"Trigger EMA: ", $macd->query_trig_ema, "\n",
" Fast EMA: ", $macd->query_fast_ema, "\n",
" Slow EMA: ", $macd->query_slow_ema, "\n";
" Histogram: ", $macd->query_histogram, "\n";
my @macd = $macd->query;
# $macd[0] is the MACD
# $macd[1] is the Fast
# $macd[2] is the Slow
# $macd[3] is the Trigger
# $macd[4] is the Histogram
To avoid recalculating huge lists when you add a few new values on the end:
The MACD was designed by Gerald Appel in the 1960s.
MACD graphs usually show:
1. The MACD=ema[fast]-ema[slow] -- query()
2. The signal=ema[trig] -- query_trig_ema()
3. The histogram=MACD-signal -- query_histogram()
Appel designed the MACD to spot tend changes.
It is believed that when the MACD crosses the signal line on the way up, it signals a buy condition and when the MACD crosses the signal line on the way down, it's time to sell. The histogram can help to visualize when a crossing is going to occur.
A upward crossing of the MACD through the zero-line indicates a bullish situation and vice versa.
David Perry <>
Paul Miller <>
I am using this software in my own projects... If you find bugs, please please please let me know.
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Copyright (c) 2008 Paul Miller -- LGPL [Software::License::LGPL_2_1]
perl -MSoftware::License::LGPL_2_1 \
-e '$l = Software::License::LGPL_2_1->new({
holder=>"Paul Miller"});
print $l->fulltext' | less
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