Format of the Parrot bytecode

0          1          2          3
| Wordsize | Byteorder|  Major   |  Minor   |

Wordsize must be at least 4 (32-bit). Loader is responsible for transforming the file into the VM native wordsize on the fly. For performance, a utility should be provided to convert PBCs on disk if they cannot be recompiled.

Byteorder currently supports two values: (0-Little Endian, 1-Big Endian)

4          5
|  Flags   | FloatType| Pad - For future use|
|           Pad - For future use            |
|           Pad - For future use            |

|         Parrot Magic = 0x 13155a1         |

Magic is stored in native byteorder. The loader uses the byteorder header to convert the Magic to verify. More specifically, ALL words (non-bytes) in the bytecode file are stored in native order, unless otherwise specified.

 |         Opcode Type (Perl = 0x5045524c)   |

 For each segment:

 4, 4 + (4 + S0), 4 + (4 + S0) + (4 + S1)
 |       Segment length in bytes (S)         |
 |                                           |
 :        S bytes of segment content         :
 |                                           |

Currently there are three segment types defined, and they must occur in precisely the order: FIXUP, CONSTANT TABLE, BYTE CODE. Every segment must be present, even if empty.


<< The format for the FIXUP segment is not yet defined. >>


0 (relative)
|            Constant Count (N)             |

For each constant:

|             Constant Type (T)             |
|             Constant Size (S)             |
|                                           |
|        S bytes of constant content        |
:       appropriate for representing        :
|              a value of type T            |
|                                           |


For integer constants:

<< integer constants are represented as manifest constants in
   the byte code stream currently, limiting them to 32 bit values. >>

For number constants (S is constant, and is equal to sizeof(FLOATVAL)):

|                                           |
|             S' bytes of Data              |
|                                           |


S' = S + (S % 4) ? (4 - (S % 4)) : 0

If S' > S, then the extra bytes are filled with zeros.

For string constants (S varies, and is the size of the particular string):

4, 4 + (16 + S'0), 4 + (16 + S'0) + (16 + S'1)
|                   Flags                   |
|                  Encoding                 |
|                   Type                    |
|                  Size (S)                 |
|                                           |
:             S' bytes of Data              :
|                                           |


S' = S + (S % 4) ? (4 - (S % 4)) : 0

If S' > S, then the extra bytes are filled with zeros.


The pieces that can be found in the byte code segment are as follows:

|              Operation Code               |

|             Register Argument             |

|    Integer Argument (Manifest Constant)   |

|   String Argument (Constant Table Index)  |

|   Number Argument (Constant Table Index)  |

The number and types for each argument can be determined by consulting Parrot::Opcode.


Currently there are no utilities that use this segment, even though it is mentioned in some of the early Parrot documents.

Eventually there will be a more complete and useful PackFile specification, but this simple format works well enough for now (c. Parrot 0.0.5).


Gregor N. Purdy <>