DBIx::Class::Migration::Tutorial::Setup - Bootstrap your project files


By the end of this section, you should be able to bootstrap a standard Perl project and have a simple DBIx::Class project installed. You should then be able to proceed to creating some migrations.

Bootstrap your Project

We make minimal use of Dist::Zilla to create a basic project skeleton. I realize Dist::Zilla is not everyone's favorite tool for this purpose, but I am choosing it for the purpose of the tutorial because its simple enough for my basic need. If you know enough to not like Dist::Zilla then I will assume you know enough to perform this next task using some other tool.

Open a shell / terminal

Most Perl projects use commandline tools, rather than a GUI IDE. You should open a terminal with a commandline interface of choice, change to a directory where you like to store project files (such as $HOME or $HOME/Desktop) and proceed.

Install Dist::Zilla

cpanm Dist::Zilla

Create a basic Project Skeleton

dzil new MusicBase
cd MusicBase

You should now have a directory structure like this:


We will use the dist.ini file to manage our project dependencies. Open dist.ini in your editor of choice and alter it to look like this:

name = DBIx-Class-Migration
author = John Napiorkowski <>
license = Perl_5
copyright_holder = John Napiorkowski
copyright_year = 2012
abstract = Tutorial Application for DBIx-Class-Migration
version = 0.001
DBIx::Class = 0
DBIx::Class::Migration = 0

Set author and copyright_holder as suits you.

Next open the file lib/ in your text editor and change it as follows:

package MusicBase;
our $VERSION = '0.001';
=head1 NAME
MusicBase - The DBIx::Class::Migration tutorial application
=head1 AUTHOR
John Napiorkowski L<>
=head1 SEE ALSO
Copyright 2012, John Napiorkowski L<>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.

As you can see, this is just a stub of POD to help give someone general context.

Going forward, when I say 'do something in your project home directory', I mean inside this new MusicBase directory which you just made.

Congrats, you have a basic Perl project setup! If you are using a source control tool, you should probably commit.

Install your dependencies

You listed a few dependencies in the dist.ini file you modified above. Let's get those installed now:

dzil listdeps | cpanm

Managing your project dependencies via your dist.ini file (or Makefile.PL if you prefer) is considered a community approved best practice.

DBIx::Class Application Version 1

In this section you'll setup a first version of the MusicBase DBIC files.

The working application we are going to design is called MusicBase which is an application that tracks what Artists have made what CDs and which Tracks are part of which CD. Here's the general model:

-- An Artist has zero or more Cds.
-- Each Cd belongs to a single Artist
-- Each Cd has zero or more Tracks (or songs you can listen to)
-- A Track can belong to only one Cd.

Additionally you need to store the Artists name, and the titles for both the Cds and the Tracks.

You also have some business logic that requires you to return the set of Artists that have more than one Cd published. Let's model that!

From your application home directory (the directory that contains your dist.ini file) perform the following commands:

mkdir lib/MusicBase
mkdir lib/MusicBase/Schema
mkdir lib/MusicBase/Schema/Result
mkdir lib/MusicBase/Schema/ResultSet
touch lib/MusicBase/
touch lib/MusicBase/Schema/Result/
touch lib/MusicBase/Schema/Result/
touch lib/MusicBase/Schema/Result/
touch lib/MusicBase/Schema/ResultSet/

You'll now have a standard DBIx::Class directory structure that follows current good practices. Lets add in some code to our file stubs.

Change lib/MusicBase/ to match the following:

use strict;
our $VERSION = 1;

Change lib/MusicBase/Schema/Result/

use strict;
'artist_id' => {
data_type => 'integer',
'name' => {
data_type => 'varchar',
size => '96',
'cd_rs' => 'MusicBase::Schema::Result::Cd',

Change lib/MusicBase/Schema/Result/

use strict;
'cd_id' => {
data_type => 'integer',
'artist_fk' => {
data_type => 'integer',
'title' => {
data_type => 'varchar',
size => '96',
'artist' => 'MusicBase::Schema::Result::Artist',
'track_rs' => 'MusicBase::Schema::Result::Track',

Change lib/MusicBase/Schema/Result/

use strict;
'track_id' => {
data_type => 'integer',
'cd_fk' => {
data_type => 'integer',
'title' => {
data_type => 'varchar',
size => '96',
'cd' => "MusicBase::Schema::Result::Cd",

Change lib/MusicBase/Schema/ResultSet/

use strict;
sub has_more_than_one_cds {
my $me = (my $self = shift)->current_source_alias;
'+select'=> [ { count => 'cd_rs.cd_id', -as => 'cd_count'} ],
'+as'=> ['cd_count'],
having => { cd_count => \'> 1' }

That completes creating your basic DBIx::Class structure.

Basic Test Case

You should create a basic test case just to make sure you didn't make any serious errors or forgot something while creating the files.

mkdir t
touch t/use.t

Change t/use.t as follows

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Test::Most tests=>1;
use_ok 'MusicBase::Schema';

Then run your test case.

prove -lv t/use.t

You should expect the one test to pass. If it fails, please review your classes since you probably introduced a typo or syntax error.

If your tests pass, that's great you've completed the first part of the tutorial!


You did a lot of cut and paste this step, I promise things will be more interesting later on. However, you did all the main grunt work that it takes to get going on a well formed Perl project. At this point you have a DBIC application that you'd actually be able to use.


Proceed to DBIx::Class::Migration::Tutorial::FirstMigration.


See DBIx::Class::Migration for author information


See DBIx::Class::Migration for copyright and license information