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DBIx::Class::PopulateMore - An enhanced populate method


Version 0.01


The following is example usage for this component.

package Myapp::Schema;
## All the rest of your setup

Then assuming you have ResultSources of Gender, Person and FriendList:

my $setup_rows = [
{Gender => {
fields => 'label',
data => {
male => 'male',
female => 'female',
{Person => {
fields => ['name', 'age', 'gender'],
data => {
john => ['john', 38, "!Index:Gender.male"],
jane => ['jane', 40, '!Index:Gender.female'],
{FriendList => {
fields => ['person', 'friend', 'created_date'],
data => {
john_jane => [
'!Date: March 30, 1996',

Please see the test cases for more detailed examples.


This is a DBIC::Schema component and stand alone class that is an enhanced version of the builtin method "$schema->populate". What it does is make it easier when you are doing a first time setup and need to insert a bunch of rows, like the first time you deploy a new database, or after you update it.

It's not as full featured as DBIx::Class::Fixtures but is targeted more directly at making it easier to just take a prewritten perl structure --or one loaded from a configuration file-- and setup your database.

Most of us using DBIx::CLass have written a version of this at one time or another. What is special to this component is the fact that unlike the normal populate method you can insert to multiple result_sources in one go. While doing this, we index the created rows so as to make it easy to reference them in relationships. I did this because I think it's very ugly to have to type in all the primary keys by hand, particularly if your PK is multi column, or is using some lengthy format such as uuid. Also, we can embed macro like commands in the row values to do inflation for us. For example, any value starting with "!Index:" will substitute it's value for that of the relating fields in the named row.

This distribution supplies three commands:


Use for creating relationships. This is a string in the form of "Source.Label" where the Source is the name of the result source that you are creating rows in and Label is a key name from from key part of the data hash.


Get's it's value from %ENV. Typically this will be setup in your shell or at application runtime.


converts it's value to a DateTime object. Will use a various methods to try and coerce a string, like "today", or "January 6, 1974". Makes it easier to insert dates into your database without knowing or caring about the expected format. For this to work correctly, you need to use the class component DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime and mark your column data type as 'datetime' or similar.

It's trivial to write more; please feel free to post me your contributions.

Please note the when inserting rows, we are actually calling "create_or_update" on each data item, so this will not be as fast as using $schema->bulk_insert.


This module defines the following methods.

populate_more ($ArrayRef)

Given an arrayref formatted as in the "SYNOPSIS" example, populate a rows in a database. Confesses on errors. See "SYNOPSIS" for more


The perl structed used in "populate_more" was designed to be reasonable friendly to type in most of the popular configuration formats. For example, the above serialized to YAML would look like:

- Gender:
fields: label
female: female
male: male
- Person:
- name
- age
- gender
- jane
- 40
- '!Index:Gender.female'
- john
- 38
- !Index:Gender.male'
- FriendList:
- person
- friend
- created_date
- '!Index:Person.john'
- '!Index:Person.jane'
- '!Date: March 30, 1996'

Since the argument is an arrayref, the same base result source can appear as many times as you like. This could be useful when a second insert to a given source requires completion of other inserts. The insert order follows the index of the arrayref you create.


John Napiorkowski, <jjn1056 at yahoo.com>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to:

C<bug-dbix-class-populatemore at rt.cpan.org>

or through the web interface at:

I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc DBIx::Class::PopulateMore

You can also look for information at:


Thanks to the entire DBIx::Class team for providing such a useful and extensible ORM. Also thanks to the Moose developers for making it fun and easy to write beautiful Perl.


Copyright 2008 John Napiorkowski.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.