AbuseContactEmail => Str
Email address to contact to report incorrect contact information for a domain, to report that the domain is being used to send spam, to report that someone is cybersquatting on a domain name, or report some other type of abuse.
Type: String
AbuseContactPhone => Str
Phone number for reporting abuse.
Type: String
REQUIRED AdminContact => Paws::Route53Domains::ContactDetail
Provides details about the domain administrative contact.
Type: Complex
Children: FirstName
, MiddleName
, LastName
, ContactType
, OrganizationName
, AddressLine1
, AddressLine2
, City
, State
, CountryCode
, ZipCode
, PhoneNumber
, Email
, Fax
, ExtraParams
AdminPrivacy => Bool
Specifies whether contact information for the admin contact is concealed from WHOIS queries. If the value is true
, WHOIS ("who is") queries will return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the contact information that you enter.
Type: Boolean
AutoRenew => Bool
Specifies whether the domain registration is set to renew automatically.
Type: Boolean
CreationDate => Str
The date when the domain was created as found in the response to a WHOIS query. The date format is Unix time.
DnsSec => Str
Reserved for future use.
REQUIRED DomainName => Str
The name of a domain.
Type: String
ExpirationDate => Str
The date when the registration for the domain is set to expire. The date format is Unix time.
REQUIRED Nameservers => ArrayRef[Paws::Route53Domains::Nameserver]
The name of the domain.
Type: String
REQUIRED RegistrantContact => Paws::Route53Domains::ContactDetail
Provides details about the domain registrant.
Type: Complex
Children: FirstName
, MiddleName
, LastName
, ContactType
, OrganizationName
, AddressLine1
, AddressLine2
, City
, State
, CountryCode
, ZipCode
, PhoneNumber
, Email
, Fax
, ExtraParams
RegistrantPrivacy => Bool
Specifies whether contact information for the registrant contact is concealed from WHOIS queries. If the value is true
, WHOIS ("who is") queries will return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the contact information that you enter.
Type: Boolean
RegistrarName => Str
Name of the registrar of the domain as identified in the registry. Amazon Route 53 domains are registered by registrar Gandi. The value is "GANDI SAS"
Type: String
RegistrarUrl => Str
Web address of the registrar.
Type: String
RegistryDomainId => Str
Reserved for future use.
Reseller => Str
Reseller of the domain. Domains registered or transferred using Amazon Route 53 domains will have "Amazon"
as the reseller.
Type: String
StatusList => ArrayRef[Str]
An array of domain name status codes, also known as Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) status codes.
ICANN, the organization that maintains a central database of domain names, has developed a set of domain name status codes that tell you the status of a variety of operations on a domain name, for example, registering a domain name, transferring a domain name to another registrar, renewing the registration for a domain name, and so on. All registrars use this same set of status codes.
For a current list of domain name status codes and an explanation of what each code means, go to the ICANN website and search for epp status codes
. (Search on the ICANN website; web searches sometimes return an old version of the document.)
Type: Array of String
REQUIRED TechContact => Paws::Route53Domains::ContactDetail
Provides details about the domain technical contact.
Type: Complex
Children: FirstName
, MiddleName
, LastName
, ContactType
, OrganizationName
, AddressLine1
, AddressLine2
, City
, State
, CountryCode
, ZipCode
, PhoneNumber
, Email
, Fax
, ExtraParams
TechPrivacy => Bool
Specifies whether contact information for the tech contact is concealed from WHOIS queries. If the value is true
, WHOIS ("who is") queries will return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the contact information that you enter.
Type: Boolean
UpdatedDate => Str
The last updated date of the domain as found in the response to a WHOIS query. The date format is Unix time.
WhoIsServer => Str
The fully qualified name of the WHOIS server that can answer the WHOIS query for the domain.
Type: String