Paws::ELBv2::CreateTargetGroup - Arguments for method CreateTargetGroup on Paws::ELBv2


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method CreateTargetGroup on the Elastic Load Balancing service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method CreateTargetGroup.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to CreateTargetGroup.


my $elasticloadbalancing = Paws->service('ELBv2');
# To create a target group
# This example creates a target group that you can use to route traffic to
# targets using HTTP on port 80. This target group uses the default health
# check configuration.
my $CreateTargetGroupOutput = $elasticloadbalancing->CreateTargetGroup(
  'Name'     => 'my-targets',
  'Port'     => 80,
  'Protocol' => 'HTTP',
  'VpcId'    => 'vpc-3ac0fb5f'

# Results:
my $TargetGroups = $CreateTargetGroupOutput->TargetGroups;

# Returns a L<Paws::ELBv2::CreateTargetGroupOutput> object.

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


HealthCheckEnabled => Bool

Indicates whether health checks are enabled. If the target type is lambda, health checks are disabled by default but can be enabled. If the target type is instance or ip, health checks are always enabled and cannot be disabled.

HealthCheckIntervalSeconds => Int

The approximate amount of time, in seconds, between health checks of an individual target. For HTTP and HTTPS health checks, the range is 5–300 seconds. For TCP health checks, the supported values are 10 and 30 seconds. If the target type is instance or ip, the default is 30 seconds. If the target type is lambda, the default is 35 seconds.

HealthCheckPath => Str

[HTTP/HTTPS health checks] The ping path that is the destination on the targets for health checks. The default is /.

HealthCheckPort => Str

The port the load balancer uses when performing health checks on targets. The default is traffic-port, which is the port on which each target receives traffic from the load balancer.

HealthCheckProtocol => Str

The protocol the load balancer uses when performing health checks on targets. For Application Load Balancers, the default is HTTP. For Network Load Balancers, the default is TCP. The TCP protocol is supported for health checks only if the protocol of the target group is TCP, TLS, UDP, or TCP_UDP. The TLS, UDP, and TCP_UDP protocols are not supported for health checks.

Valid values are: "HTTP", "HTTPS", "TCP", "TLS", "UDP", "TCP_UDP"

HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds => Int

The amount of time, in seconds, during which no response from a target means a failed health check. For target groups with a protocol of HTTP or HTTPS, the default is 5 seconds. For target groups with a protocol of TCP or TLS, this value must be 6 seconds for HTTP health checks and 10 seconds for TCP and HTTPS health checks. If the target type is lambda, the default is 30 seconds.

HealthyThresholdCount => Int

The number of consecutive health checks successes required before considering an unhealthy target healthy. For target groups with a protocol of HTTP or HTTPS, the default is 5. For target groups with a protocol of TCP or TLS, the default is 3. If the target type is lambda, the default is 5.

Matcher => Paws::ELBv2::Matcher

[HTTP/HTTPS health checks] The HTTP codes to use when checking for a successful response from a target.

REQUIRED Name => Str

The name of the target group.

This name must be unique per region per account, can have a maximum of 32 characters, must contain only alphanumeric characters or hyphens, and must not begin or end with a hyphen.

Port => Int

The port on which the targets receive traffic. This port is used unless you specify a port override when registering the target. If the target is a Lambda function, this parameter does not apply.

Protocol => Str

The protocol to use for routing traffic to the targets. For Application Load Balancers, the supported protocols are HTTP and HTTPS. For Network Load Balancers, the supported protocols are TCP, TLS, UDP, or TCP_UDP. A TCP_UDP listener must be associated with a TCP_UDP target group. If the target is a Lambda function, this parameter does not apply.

Valid values are: "HTTP", "HTTPS", "TCP", "TLS", "UDP", "TCP_UDP"

TargetType => Str

The type of target that you must specify when registering targets with this target group. You can't specify targets for a target group using more than one target type.

  • instance - Targets are specified by instance ID. This is the default value. If the target group protocol is UDP or TCP_UDP, the target type must be instance.

  • ip - Targets are specified by IP address. You can specify IP addresses from the subnets of the virtual private cloud (VPC) for the target group, the RFC 1918 range (,, and, and the RFC 6598 range ( You can't specify publicly routable IP addresses.

  • lambda - The target groups contains a single Lambda function.

Valid values are: "instance", "ip", "lambda"

UnhealthyThresholdCount => Int

The number of consecutive health check failures required before considering a target unhealthy. For target groups with a protocol of HTTP or HTTPS, the default is 2. For target groups with a protocol of TCP or TLS, this value must be the same as the healthy threshold count. If the target type is lambda, the default is 2.

VpcId => Str

The identifier of the virtual private cloud (VPC). If the target is a Lambda function, this parameter does not apply. Otherwise, this parameter is required.


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method CreateTargetGroup in Paws::ELBv2


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