Lingua::Awkwords::Subpattern - implements named subpatterns


use feature qw(say);
use Lingua::Awkwords;
use Lingua::Awkwords::Subpattern;

    C => [qw/p t k s m n/],
    N => [qw/m n/],
    V => [qw/a i u/],

my $triphthong = Lingua::Awkwords->new( pattern => q{ VVV } );
say $triphthong->render;


Subpatterns are named (with the ASCII letters A-Z) elements of an awkwords pattern that expand out to some list of choices equally weighted. That is, V in a pattern can be a shorthand notation for


See the source code for what patterns are defined by default, or use set_patterns or update_pattern first to change the values.



The pattern this object represents. Mandatory. Typically should be an ASCII letter in the A-Z range and typically should be set via the new method.


is_pattern pattern

Returns a boolean indicating whether pattern is an existing pattern or not.


Constructor. A pattern should ideally be supplied. Will blow up if the pattern does not exist in the global patterns list.

Lingua::Awkwords::Subpattern->new( pattern => 'V' )

Returns a random item from the list of choices for the pattern that was hopefully set by some previous call. Blows up if pattern was not set.

set_patterns list-of-patterns-and-choices

Resets all the choices for multiple patterns. These changes are global to a process. For example for the Toki Pona language one might set C for consonants and V for vowels via

    C => [qw/j k l m n p s t w/],
    V => [qw/a e i o u/],

Choices can either be simple string values or objects capable of having render called on them. "COMPLICATIONS" in Lingua::Awkwords has an example of the later form.

update_pattern pattern choices

Updates the choices for the given pattern. This happens globally in a process; all instances will see the change in future render calls.

Note that array references are treated differently than lists of values;

my $nnmm = [qw/n m/];
Lingua::Awkwords::Subpattern->update_pattern( N => $nnmm );

allows the array reference $nnmm to be changed by the caller (thus affecting future render calls for that pattern), while

Lingua::Awkwords::Subpattern->update_pattern( N => @$nnmm );

does not allow the caller to then change anything as instead a copy of the list of choices has been made.

walk callback

Calls the callback function with itself as the argument, then tries to find anything the pattern points to that can have walk called on it and calls that.


Reporting Bugs

Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-lingua-awkwords at, or through the web interface at

Patches might best be applied towards:

Known Issues

There can only be 26 named subpatterns and these are global to the process. It may be beneficial to (optionally?) make them instance specific somehow.


Lingua::Awkwords, Lingua::Awkwords::Parser


thrig - Jeremy Mates (cpan:JMATES) <jmates at>


Copyright (C) 2017 by Jeremy Mates

This program is distributed under the (Revised) BSD License: