Catalyst::View::Thumbnail - Catalyst view to resize images for thumbnails


Create a thumbnail view:

script/myapp_create view Thumbnail Thumbnail

Then in your controller:

sub thumbnail :Local :Args(1) {
   my ($self, $c, $image_id) = @_;
   my $image_obj = $c->model('MyApp::Images')->find({id=>$image_id})
     or $c->detach('/default');
   $c->stash->{x}     = 100;    # Create a 100px square thumbnail
   $c->stash->{y}     = 100;
   $c->stash->{image} = $image_obj->data;


Catalyst::View::Thumbnail resizes images to produce thumbnails, with options to set the desired x or y dimensions (or both), and specify a zoom level and scaling type.


The view is controlled by setting the following values in the stash:


Contains the raw data for the full-size source image.

This is a mandatory option.


The width (in pixels) of the thumbnail.

This is optional, but at least one of the x or y parameters must be set.


The height (in pixels) of the thumbnail.

This is optional, but at least one of the x or y parameters must be set.


Zoom level, expressed as a number between 1 and 100.

If the zoom option is given, the thumbnail will be 'zoomed-in' by the appropriate amount, e.g. a zoom level of 80 will create a thumbnail using the middle 80% of the source image.

This parameter is optional, if omitted then a zoom level of 100 will be used, i.e. create thumbnails using 100% of the source image.


Scaling type, can be either 'fit' or 'fill'.

If both the x and y parameters are set, the aspect ratio (x/y) of the thumbnail image may not match the aspect ratio of the source image.

To prevent the thumbnail from looking 'stretched', there is a choice of two scaling options:


Fits the thumbnail within the specified x and y dimensions, preserving all of the source image.

Note that by using this scaling method, the generated thumbnails may be smaller than the the specified x and y dimensions.


Fills the thumbnail to the exact x and y dimensions as specified, cropping the source image as necessary.

This parameter is optional, and will default to 'fill' if omitted.

Image formats

The generated thumbnails will always be produced in the same format (PNG, JPG, etc) as the source image.

Catalyst::View::Thumbnail uses the Imager module to crop and resize images, so will accept any image format supported by Imager.

Please see the Imager documentation for more details and installation notes.


Catalyst::View::Thumbnail tutorial (with examples):


Jon Allen (JJ), <>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-catalyst-view-thumbnail at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


Commercial support, customisation, and training for this module is available from Penny's Arcade Limited - contact for details.

You can also look for information at:


Copyright (C) 2009 Jon Allen (JJ).

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For more details, see the full text of the licenses in the directory LICENSES.

This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but it is provided Òas isÓ and without any express or implied warranties.

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