Catalyst::Controller::REST::DBIC::Item - (EXPERIMENTAL) Common base class for typical REST actions against a DBIx::Class object


Version 0.001000_001 - DEVELOPER RELEASE

Because this is a developer release, please send any feedback or suggestions to me either through RT or email at


This is an experimental controller base class that is designed to build some conventions around integrating REST and DBIC together in a Catalyst application.

The idea of this class is that, in the simplest terms, each item in a REST application has one URL to interface with it. Typically, these objects have a one to one mapping with a backend schema class. This base class helps to reduce the repetition in your REST classes and allow you to focus on just handling the individual verbs (GET, PUT, POST, etc)


The general ideas for this module are such that I don't expect it to be of the most use for a CRUD application designed to function in a browser. Most modern browsers support all the REST verbs via XmlHttpRequest but standard requests are still limited to GET and POST. This package will have the most influence in a webservice scenario, and I hope that adapter classes can be built upon this one that will combine Catalyst::Request::REST::ForBrowsers and other utilities to create controllers that work equally well in a browser-based setting.


package MyApp::Controller::Person;

use base 'Catalyst::Controller::REST::DBIC::Item';

    # Add REST config
    'default' => 'text/html'
    # And, our bindings to DBIC, will use 
    # $c->model('Schema::Person') effectively.
    class => 'Schema::Person',
    # To find a record, $c->model($class)->search( $item_key => $key )
    item_key => 'name',
    # If you want to call a method before sending it to the serializers
    serialize_method => 'serialize',
    # Set to 0 if you don't want to call the above serialize method 
    # if the request is in a browser
    browser_serialize => 0

# This operates off of chained, and requires rest_base to be defined
sub rest_base : Chained('.') PathPart('person') CaptureArgs(0) { }

Overriding Default Methods

Catalyst::Controller::REST::DBIC::Item operates by using Chained, which allows for midpoints to be overridden easily as long as you maintain the conventions.

If you want to override one of the default chained midpoints, you only have to be mindful of which stash key to set. By default, the stash key: $c->stash->{rest}->{item} is used for fetching a single item. If you want to add additional DBIC logic, such as a prefetch, you can override the item_base midpoint and properly set the stash. Here is an example from the source (available at, which prefetches games to reduce the total number of queries.

sub item_base : Chained('rest_base') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(1) {
    my ( $self, $c, $identifier ) = @_;

    # just populate $c->stash->{rest}->{item} and item_GET, etc
    $c->stash->{rest}->{item} = $self->get_item($c, $identifier)->search(
            'games.end_time' => { '>=', $c->stash->{now} }
            prefetch => {
                games => [
                    'home', 'visitor',
                    { broadcasts => 'network' }



What is your DBIx::Class schema class to attach to? This is the part you would put in $c->model(...)


What goes in ->search({ item_key => $identifier })


Call this on result sets and items to serialize them. This is useful as a base class in your DBIC schema (or just use get_columns) when you want to support serializers that won't touch blessed objects, or don't want to serialize the blessed object


Set this value to 0 if you don't want to serialize a browser request. This requires you use Catalyst::Request::REST::ForBrowsers, and will throw an exception if you don't use it.


rest_list PathPart('')


The simple method that handles GET actions on the list action (A call to /foo).

This method will call the serialize_method, if configured, as well as respect the browser_serialize configuration setting if the request looks like it is coming from a browser (which requires Catalyst::Request::REST::ForBrowsers to be loaded).

rest_item_base : Chained('rest_base') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(1)

This chain midpoint fetches the record by the captured argument (which should be the record identifier).

Override this method if you want to customize how the record is fetched. It is expected that if a record is found, $c->stash->{rest}->{item} is set. If not, the default GET request will return not found.


This method chains to rest_item_base, has 0 arguments and uses Catalyst::Action::REST.

This method is used to handle triggering the single item methods. Override rest_item_GET, rest_item_POST, etc to have custom serialization behavior.

If you want to override the item selection, override rest_item_base


The default method for handling a simple GET request. This will serialize however Catalyst::Controller::REST is configured for the controller, and will call the serialize_method if configured (while respecting the browser_serialize configuration setting).

If the item is not found (which means $c->stash->{rest}->{item} is not defined) it will return a status_not_found result, with the message:

message => $c->localize('ITEM_NOT_FOUND') );


The following methods are convenience methods that can be used in your methods to fetch items out of DBIC.

get_item($context, $identifier)

This method should return a result set that points to a single item that is identified by $identifier.

If the configuration key item_key is defined, it will do a search where item_key == $identifier, otherwise just a simple pull of the result source primary keys, which is most likely what is expected but may not be what you want.


This fetches the result set to be used. This is a good point to override for adding things like pagination. A simple example for overriding would be:

sub get_rs {
   my $rs = shift->next::method(@_);
   return $rs->search(undef, { rows => 10, page => 1 });

Just make sure this always returns a result set.


J. Shirley, <jshirley at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-catalyst-controller-rest-dbic-item at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Catalyst::Controller::REST::DBIC::Item

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2008 Cold Hard Code, LLC, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.