IPA::Global - methods that produce images where every pixel is a function of all pixels in the source image
Contains methods that produce images, where every pixel is a function of all pixels in the source image. The process can be described with the mapping function
s = M(R)
where s
is the pixel value in the output images, and R is the source image.
- close_edges IMAGE [ gradient, maxlen, minedgelen, mingradient ]
Closes edges of shapes on IMAGE, according to specified
image. The unclosed shapes converted to the closed if the gradient spot between the suspected dents falls undermaxlen
maximal length increment,mingradient
the minimal gradient value and the edge is longer thanminedgelen
.Supported types: Byte
- fill_holes IMAGE [ inPlace = 0, edgeSize = 1, backColor = 0, foreColor = 255, neighborhood = 4]
Fills closed shapes to eliminate the contours with holes in IMAGE.
Supported types: Byte
- inPlace BOOLEAN
If true, the original image is changed
- edgeSize INTEGER
The edge breadth that is not touched by the algorithm
- backColor INTEGER
The pixel value used for determination whether a pixel belongs to the background.
- foreColor INTEGER
The pixel value used for hole filling.
- neighborhood INTEGER
Must be either 4 or 8. Selects whether the algorithm must assume 4- or 8- pixel connection.
- area_filter IMAGE [ minArea = 0, maxArea = INT_MAX, inPlace = 0, edgeSize = 1, backColor = 0, foreColor = 255, neighborhood = 4]
Identifies the objects on IMAGE and filters out these that have their area less than
and more thanmaxArea
. The other parameters are identical to those passed to fill_holes. - identify_contours IMAGE [ edgeSize = 1, backColor = 0, foreColor = 255, neighborhood = 4]
Identifies the objects on IMAGE and returns the contours as array of anonymous arrays of 4- or 8- connected pixel coordinates.
The parameters are identical to those passed to fill_holes.
Supported types: Byte
See also IPA::Region.
- identify_scanlines IMAGE [ edgeSize = 1, backColor = 0, foreColor = 255, neighborhood = 4]
Same as
but returns a set of scan lines. - fft IMAGE [ inverse = 0 ]
Performs direct and inverse ( governed by
boolean flag ) fast Fourier transform. IMAGE must have dimensions of power of 2. The resulted image is always of DComplex type.Supported types: all
- fourier IMAGE [ inverse = 0 ]
Performs direct and inverse ( governed by
boolean flag ) fast Fourier transform. If IMAGE dimensions not of power of 2, then IMAGE is scaled up to the closest power of 2, and the result is scaled back to the original dimensions.The resulted image is always of DComplex type.
Supported types: all
- band_filter IMAGE [ low = 0, spatial = 1, homomorph = 0, power = 2.0, cutoff = 20.0, boost = 0.7 ]
Performs band filtering of IMAGE in frequency domain. IMAGE must have dimensions of power of 2. The resulted image is always of DComplex type.
Supported types: all
Boolean flag, indicates whether the low-pass or the high-pass is to be performed.
- spatial BOOLEAN
Boolean flag, indicates if IMAGE must be treated as if it is in the spatial domain, and therefore conversion to the frequency domain must be performed first.
- homomorph BOOLEAN
Boolean flag, indicates if the homomorph ( exponential ) equalization must be performed. Cannot be set to true if the image is in frequency domain ( if
parameter set to true ). - power FLOAT
Power operator applied to the input frequency.
- cutoff FLOAT
Threshold value of the filter.
- boost FLOAT
Multiplication factor used in homomorph equalization.
- butterworth IMAGE [ low = 0, spatial = 1, homomorph = 0, power = 2.0, cutoff = 20.0, boost = 0.7 ]
Performs band filtering of IMAGE in frequency domain. If IMAGE dimensions not of power of 2, then IMAGE is scaled up to the closest power of 2, and the result is scaled back to the original dimensions.
The resulted image is always of DComplex type.
Supported types: all
The parameters are same as those passed to band_filter.
Optimized plotting
The following functions can draw lines on images, and are optimized for speed, because Prima doesn't support drawing on images outside begin_paint
- bar IMAGE, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, COLOR
Fill the given rectangular area with COLOR.
Draws set of horizontal lines as defined by LINES with COLOR. LINES is an array of triplet integers, where each contains [X1, X2, Y] coordinates - beginning of hline, end of hline, and vline.