XAS::Lib::Net::Server - A basic network server for the XAS Environment


my $server = XAS::Lib::Net::Server->new(
    -port             => 9505,
    -address          => 'localhost',
    -filter           => POE::Filter::Line->new(),
    -alias            => 'server',
    -inactivity_timer => 600


This module implements a simple text orientated nework protocol. All "packets" will have an explict "\012\015" appended. These packets may be formated strings, such as JSON. This module inherits from XAS::Lib::Session.



This initializes the module and starts listening for requests. There are five parameters that can be passed. They are the following:


The name of the POE session.


The IP port to listen on.


The address to bind too.


Sets an inactivity timer on clients. When it is surpassed, the method reaper() is called with the POE wheel id. What reaper() does is application specific. The default is 600 seconds.


An optional filter to use, defaults to POE::Filter::Line


Called when the inactivity timer is triggered.


The POE wheel that triggered the timer.

declare_events($kernel, $session)

Declare methods to be acted upon.


A handle to the POE kernel.


A handle to the current POE session.



This returns the current port for that wheel.


The POE wheel to use.


This returns the current hostname for that wheel.


The POE wheel to use.


This returns the current client for that wheel.


The POE wheel to use.


process_request($kernel, $self, $input, $ctx)

This event will process the input from the client. It takes the following parameters:


A handle to the POE kernel.


A handle to the current object.


The input recieved from the socket.


A hash variable to maintain context. This will be initialized with a "wheel" field. Others fields may be added as needed.

process_response($kernel, $self, $output, $ctx)

This event will process the output from the client. It takes the following parameters:


A handle to the POE kernel.


A handle to the current object.


The output to be sent to the socket.


A hash variable to maintain context. This uses the "wheel" field to direct output to the correct socket. Others fields may have been added as needed.

process_errors($kernel, $self, $output, $ctx)

This event will process the error output from the client. It takes the following parameters:


A handle to the POE kernel.


A handle to the current object.


The output to be sent to the socket.


A hash variable to maintain context. This uses the "wheel" field to direct output to the correct socket. Others fields may have been added as needed.




Kevin L. Esteb, <>


Copyright (C) 2012 by Kevin L. Esteb

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.