SPVM::Document::NativeAPI - SPVM Native API

What is Native API

Native API is C level functions to manipulate data of SPVM in Extension.

If you need more performance or bind C/C++ functions, you can use Extension and Native API.


int32_t (*memory_blocks_count)(SPVM_ENV* env);
void* (*new_env)(SPVM_ENV*);
void (*free_env)(SPVM_ENV*);
void* (*exception)(SPVM_ENV* env);
void (*set_exception)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* exception);
int32_t (*sub_id)(SPVM_ENV*, const char*, const char*, const char*);
int32_t (*method_sub_id)(SPVM_ENV*, void* object, const char*, const char*);
int32_t (*basic_type_id)(SPVM_ENV*, const char*);
int32_t (*pkgvar_id)(SPVM_ENV* env, const char* package_name, const char* pkgvar_name, const char* signature);
int32_t (*field_offset)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t);
int32_t (*call_sub)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t sub_id, SPVM_VALUE* args);
int32_t (*is_type)(SPVM_ENV*, void* object, int32_t basic_type_id, int32_t type_dimension);
int32_t (*has_callback)(SPVM_ENV*, void* object, int32_t callback_basic_type_id);
void* (*new_obj_raw)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t);
void* (*new_obj)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t);
void* (*new_barray_raw)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t);
void* (*new_barray)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t);
void* (*new_sarray_raw)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t);
void* (*new_sarray)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t);
void* (*new_iarray_raw)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t);
void* (*new_iarray)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t);
void* (*new_larray_raw)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t);
void* (*new_larray)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t);
void* (*new_farray_raw)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t);
void* (*new_farray)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t);
void* (*new_darray_raw)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t);
void* (*new_darray)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t);
void* (*new_oarray_raw)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t, int32_t);
void* (*new_oarray)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t, int32_t);
void* (*new_marray_raw)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
void* (*new_marray)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
void* (*new_varray_raw)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t, int32_t);
void* (*new_varray)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t, int32_t);
void* (*new_str_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, const char* bytes, int32_t length);
void* (*new_str)(SPVM_ENV* env, const char* bytes, int32_t length);
void* (*new_pointer_raw)(SPVM_ENV*, int32_t basic_type_id, void* ptr);
void* (*new_pointer)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t basic_type_id, void* ptr);
void* (*concat_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* string1, void* string2);
void* (*concat)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* string1, void* string2);
void* (*i_to_str_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t value);
void* (*i_to_str)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t value);
void* (*l_to_str_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, int64_t value);
void* (*l_to_str)(SPVM_ENV* env, int64_t value);
void* (*f_to_str_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, float value);
void* (*f_to_str)(SPVM_ENV* env, float value);
void* (*d_to_str_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, double value);
void* (*d_to_str)(SPVM_ENV* env, double value);
void* (*new_stack_trace_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* excetpion, const char* package_name, const char* sub_name, const char* file, int32_t line);
void* (*new_stack_trace)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* excetpion, const char* package_name, const char* sub_name, const char* file, int32_t line);
int32_t (*len)(SPVM_ENV*, void*);
int8_t* (*belems)(SPVM_ENV*, void*);
int16_t* (*selems)(SPVM_ENV*, void*);
int32_t* (*ielems)(SPVM_ENV*, void*);
int64_t* (*lelems)(SPVM_ENV*, void*);
float* (*felems)(SPVM_ENV*, void*);
double* (*delems)(SPVM_ENV*, void*);
void* (*oelem)(SPVM_ENV*, void*, int32_t index);
void (*set_oelem)(SPVM_ENV*, void*, int32_t index, void* value);
int32_t (*field_id)(SPVM_ENV*, const char*, const char*, const char*);
int8_t (*bfield)(SPVM_ENV*, void*, int32_t);
int16_t (*sfield)(SPVM_ENV*, void*, int32_t);
int32_t (*ifield)(SPVM_ENV*, void*, int32_t);
int64_t (*lfield)(SPVM_ENV*, void*, int32_t);
float (*ffield)(SPVM_ENV*, void*, int32_t);
double (*dfield)(SPVM_ENV*, void*, int32_t);
void* (*ofield)(SPVM_ENV*, void*, int32_t);
void (*set_bfield)(SPVM_ENV*, void*, int32_t, int8_t);
void (*set_sfield)(SPVM_ENV*, void*, int32_t, int16_t);
void (*set_ifield)(SPVM_ENV*, void*, int32_t, int32_t);
void (*set_lfield)(SPVM_ENV*, void*, int32_t, int64_t);
void (*set_ffield)(SPVM_ENV*, void*, int32_t, float);
void (*set_dfield)(SPVM_ENV*, void*, int32_t, double);
void (*set_ofield)(SPVM_ENV*, void*, int32_t, void*);
void* (*pointer)(SPVM_ENV*, void*);
void (*weaken)(SPVM_ENV* env, void** object_address);
int32_t (*isweak)(SPVM_ENV* env, void** object);
void (*unweaken)(SPVM_ENV* env, void** object_address);
int32_t (*ref_count)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);
void (*inc_ref_count)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);
void (*dec_ref_count)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);
int32_t (*enter_scope)(SPVM_ENV* env);
void (*push_mortal)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);
void (*leave_scope)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t original_mortal_stack_top);
int8_t (*bpkgvar)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t pkgvar_id);
int16_t (*spkgvar)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t pkgvar_id);
int32_t (*ipkgvar)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t pkgvar_id);
int64_t (*lpkgvar)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t pkgvar_id);
float (*fpkgvar)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t pkgvar_id);
double (*dpkgvar)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t pkgvar_id);
void* (*opkgvar)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t pkgvar_id);
void (*set_bpkgvar)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t pkgvar_id, int8_t value);
void (*set_spkgvar)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t pkgvar_id, int16_t value);
void (*set_ipkgvar)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t pkgvar_id, int32_t value);
void (*set_lpkgvar)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t pkgvar_id, int64_t value);
void (*set_fpkgvar)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t pkgvar_id, float value);
void (*set_dpkgvar)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t pkgvar_id, double value);
void (*set_opkgvar)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t pkgvar_id, void* value);


int32_t is_type(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t basic_type_id, int32_t type_dimension)

Check object is specified type.


1th : env

2th : object (This object must be not NULL)

3th : basic type id

4th : type dimension


If object is specifed type, return 1, else return 0.


// Get basic type id
int32_t basic_type_id = env->basic_type_id(env, "Point");
if (basic_type_id < 0) {

// Check if object type is Point
int32_t match = env->is_type(env, object, basic_type_id, 0);

// Check if object type is Point[]
int32_t match = env->is_type(env, object, basic_type_id, 1);

// Check if object type is Point[][]
int32_t match = env->is_type(env, object, basic_type_id, 2);