SPVM::Document::Modules - SPVM Core Modules
List of SPVM Core Modules
SPVM::ArrayUtil - Array Utilities
SPVM::Byte - byte object
SPVM::ByteList - Dynamic Byte Array
SPVM::Cloner - a callback interface to clone a object
SPVM::Comparator::Byte - a callback interface for byte comparation
SPVM::Comparator::Short - a callback interface for short comparation
SPVM::Comparator::Int - a callback interface for int comparation
SPVM::Comparator::Long - a callback interface for long comparation
SPVM::Comparator::Float - a callback interface for float comparation
SPVM::Comparator::Double - a callback interface for double comparation
SPVM::Comparator::String - a callback interface for string comparation
SPVM::Comparator::Object - a callback interface for object comparation
SPVM::Complex_2d - double complex type
SPVM::Complex_2f - float complex type
SPVM::Double - double object
SPVM::DoubleList - Dynamic double array
SPVM::EqualityChecker - a callback interface to check the object equality
SPVM::EqualityChecker::SameObject - a callback implementation of SPVM::EqualityChecker to check if the memory addresses of the two objects are equal.
SPVM::Float - float object
SPVM::FloatList - Dynamic float array
SPVM::Hash - Hash Data Structure
SPVM::Hash::Entry - Hash entry
SPVM::Int - int object
SPVM::IntList - Dynamic int array
SPVM::List - Dynamic object array
SPVM::Long - long object
SPVM::LongList - Dynamic long array
SPVM::Math - Math functions
SPVM::NumberUtil - Number Utilities
SPVM::Regex - Regular expression
SPVM::Regex::Pattern - Regular expression pattern
SPVM::Regex::Replacer - Regular expression replacer
SPVM::Short - short object
SPVM::ShortList - Dynamic short array
SPVM::StringBuffer - String buffer
SPVM::Stringer - a callback interface to stringify a object
SPVM::StringList - Dynamic string array
SPVM::StringUtil - String Utilities
SPVM::Time - Time manipulation
SPVM::Time::Info - Time information