Mojolicious::Guides::Cookbook - Cookbook


Cooking with Mojolicious, recipes for every taste.


Getting Mojolicious and Mojolicious::Lite applications running on different platforms.

Builtin Server

Mojolicious contains a very portable HTTP 1.1 compliant web server. It is usally used during development but is solid and fast enough for small to mid sized applications.

% ./script/myapp daemon
Server available at

It has many configuration options and is known to work on every platform Perl works on.

% ./script/myapp help daemon
...List of available options...

Another huge advantage is that it supports TLS and WebSockets out of the box.

% ./script/myapp daemon --listen https://*:3000
Server available at https://*:3000.

A development certificate for testing purposes is built right in, so it just works.


For bigger applications Mojolicious contains the UNIX optimized preforking web server Mojo::Server::Hypnotoad that will allow you to take advantage of multiple cpu cores and copy-on-write.

|- Mojo::Server::Daemon [1]
|- Mojo::Server::Daemon [2]
|- Mojo::Server::Daemon [3]
`- Mojo::Server::Daemon [4]

It is based on the normal builtin web server but optimized specifically for production environments out of the box.

% hypnotoad script/myapp
Server available at http://*:8080.

Config files are plain Perl scripts for maximal customizability.

# hypnotoad.conf
{listen => ['http://*:80'], workers => 10};

But one of its biggest advantages is the support for effortless zero downtime software upgrades. That means you can upgrade Mojolicious, Perl or even system libraries at runtime without ever stopping the server or losing a single incoming connection, just by sending it a USR2 signal.

% kill -s 'USR2' `cat`


One of the most popular setups these days is the builtin web server behind a Nginx reverse proxy.

upstream myapp {
server {
    listen 80;
    server_name localhost;
    location / {
        proxy_read_timeout 300;
        proxy_pass http://myapp;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

You might also want to enable reverse proxy support in hypnotoad if your proxy is on a different physical machine than your application and can't be auto detected.

# hypnotoad.conf
{proxy => 1};


CGI is supported out of the box and your Mojolicious application will automatically detect that it is executed as a CGI script.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName localhost
    DocumentRoot /home/sri/myapp/public

    ScriptAlias /myapp "/home/sri/myapp/script/myapp"


FastCGI is also supported out of the box and your Mojolicious application will automatically detect that it is executed as a FastCGI script.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName localhost
    DocumentRoot /home/sri/myapp/public

    FastCgiServer /home/sri/myapp/script/myapp -processes 10
    Alias /myapp /home/sri/myapp/script/myapp


PSGI is an interface between Perl web frameworks and web servers, and Plack is a Perl module and toolkit that contains PSGI middleware, helpers and adapters to web servers. PSGI and Plack are inspired by Python's WSGI and Ruby's Rack. Mojolicious applications are ridiculously simple to deploy with Plack.

% plackup ./script/myapp
HTTP::Server::PSGI: Accepting connections at http://0:5000/

Plack provides many server and protocol adapters for you to choose from such as FCGI, SCGI and mod_perl. Make sure to run plackup from your applications home directory, otherwise libraries might not be found.

% plackup ./script/myapp -s FCGI -l /tmp/myapp.sock

Because plackup uses a weird trick to load your script, Mojolicious is not always able to detect the applications home directory, if thats the case you can simply use the MOJO_HOME environment variable. Also note that app->start needs to be the last Perl statement in the application script for the same reason.

% MOJO_HOME=/home/sri/myapp plackup ./script/myapp
HTTP::Server::PSGI: Accepting connections at http://0:5000/

Some server adapters might ask for a .psgi file, if thats the case you can just point them at your application script because it will automatically act like one if it detects the presence of a PLACK_ENV environment variable.

Apache/mod_perl (PSGI/Plack)

mod_perl is a good example for a PSGI adapter that is used without plackup, note that setting the PLACK_ENV environment variable is required for Mojolicious PSGI detection.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName localhost
    DocumentRoot /home/sri/myapp/public

        $ENV{PLACK_ENV} = 'production';
        $ENV{MOJO_HOME} = '/home/sri/myapp';

    <Location /myapp>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Plack::Handler::Apache2
        PerlSetVar psgi_app /home/sri/myapp/script/myapp


We don't suggest using IIS, it is a horribly broken web server, avoid it if you can. There is nothing we can do to make this a pleasant experience for you, but maybe we can at least ease some of the pain.

First you should make sure to get recent versions of Strawberry Perl and Mojolicious installed, Strawberry is as good as a Windows version of Perl can be.

Then you'll have to install IIS 6.0 and its FastCGI extension, which is not part of the standard installation. Create a new website with Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services Manager > Action > New > Web Site and finish the installation wizard.

Open your newly created websites properties and select the tab Web Site. Set the proper values for Site Description, IP Address, TCP Port, SSL Port etc.

On the tab Home Directory set Local Path to c:\myapp\public, Local Path Permission Flags to Read and Log Visits, Execute Permissions to Scripts Only.

Click on the Configuration button and then Insert (next to Wildcard Application Mappings). In the next dialog set Executable to c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\fcgiext.dll and uncheck Verify That Files Exist.

Now put the following lines into c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\fcgiext.ini or c:\windows\syswow64\inetsrv\fcgiext.ini on 64-bit systems.


Arguments="c:\myapp\script\myapp fastcgi"

; Let IIS serve static files

There is one more thing, IIS sometimes clears your environment variables but Windows won't work without SYSTEMROOT, so you might have to set it manually in your application.

# Application
package MyApp;
use base 'Mojolicious';

sub startup {
    my $self = shift;

    # Use event hook to set environment variable for every request
        before_dispatch => sub { $ENV{SYSTEMROOT} = 'c:\\winnt' }



When we say Mojolicious is a web framework we actually mean it.


Receiving a streaming response can be really tricky in most HTTP clients, Mojo::Client makes it actually easy.

my $client = Mojo::Client->new;
my $tx = $client->build_tx(GET => '');
$tx->res->body(sub { print $_[1] });

The body callback will be called for every chunk of data that is received, even chunked encoding will be handled transparently if neccessary.


jQuery (Content Distribution Network)

These days Mojolicious ships with a bundled version of jQuery, which you can easily use as a fallback for applications that might be used offline from time to time.

<%= javascript
    '' %>
<%= javascript begin %>
    if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') {
        var e = document.createElement('script');
        e.src = '/js/jquery.js';
        e.type = 'text/javascript';
<% end %>


Fun hacks you might not use very often but that might come in handy some day.


Sometimes you might have to deploy your application in a broken blackbox environment where you can't just fix the server configuration. In such cases you can use a before_dispatch hook to rewrite incoming requests.

app->hook(before_dispatch => sub {
    my $self = shift;
      if $self->req->headers->header('X-Forwarded-Protocol') eq 'https';

Hello World

If every byte matters this is the smallest Hello World application you can write with Mojolicious::Lite.

use Mojolicious::Lite;
get '/' => {text => 'Hello World!'};

It works because automatic rendering kicks in even if no actual code gets executed by the router, the renderer just picks up the text value from the stash and generates a response.