Graph::Maker::Circulant - create circulant graph


use Graph::Maker::Circulant;
$graph = Graph::Maker->new ('circulant', N=>8, offset_list=>[1,4]);


Graph::Maker::Circulant creates circulant graphs. The graph has vertices 1 to N. Each vertex v has an edge to v+offset, for each offset in the given offset_list. v+offset is taken mod N in the range 1 to N.

Offsets will usually be 1 <= offset <= N/2. Anything bigger can be reduced mod N, and any bigger than N/2 is equivalent to some -offset, and that is equivalent to an edge v-offset to v. Offset 0 means a self-loop at each vertex.

A single offset_list => [1] gives a cycle the same as Graph::Maker::Cycle. Bigger single offset is a cycle with vertices in a different order, or if offset and N have a common factor then multiple cycles.

In general, if N and all offsets have a common factor g then the effect is g many copies of circulant N/g and offsets/g.

A full offset_list 1..N/2 is the complete graph the same as Graph::Maker::Complete.

If a factor m coprime to N is put through all offset_list then the resulting graph is isomorphic. Edges are m*v to m*v+m*offset which is the same by identifying m*v in the multiple with v in plain. For example circulant N=8 offsets 1,4 is isomorphic to offsets 3,4, the latter being multiple m=3. If an offset list doesn't have 1 but does have some offset coprime to N then dividing through mod N gives an isomorphic graph with 1 in the list.

Circulant N=6 2,3 is isomorphic to the rook grid 3x2 per Graph::Maker::RookGrid.


$graph = Graph::Maker->new('circulant', key => value, ...)

The key/value parameters are

N           => integer, number of vertices
offset_list => arrayref of integers
graph_maker => subr(key=>value) constructor, default Graph->new

Other parameters are passed to the constructor, either graph_maker or Graph->new().

If the graph is directed (the default) then edges are added both ways between vertices. Option undirected => 1 creates an undirected graph and for it there is a single edge between vertices.


House of Graphs entries for graphs here, excluding cycles and completes, include

74      N=4 1,2     tetrahedral

226     N=6 1,2     octohedral
84      N=6 1,3     complete bipartite 3,3
746     N=6 2,3     circular ladder 3 rungs

710     N=7 1,2
58      N=7 1,2,3

160     N=8 1,2
570     N=8 1,3
176     N=8 1,2,3      sixteen cell
33454   N=8 1,3,4
180     N=8 1,2,3,4
640     N=8 1,4        Mobius ladder 4 rungs
116     N=8 2,4        two complete-4s

328     N=9 1,3
33801   N=9 1,2,3      symmetric configuration
370     N=9 1,2,4
328     N=9 1,2,3,4

21063   N=10 1,2
32519   N=10 1,3
138     N=10 2,4       two complete-5
21117   N=10 1,2,4     cross-linked complete-5s
148     N=10 1,2,3,4
20611   N=10 1,2,5
252     N=10 1,3,5
142     N=10 1,2,3,5
32441   N=10 2,4,5  

21065   N=13 1,5       cyclotomic
19514   N=13 1,2,5

20688   N=16 1,2,5,8
30395   N=17 1,2,4,8   a Ramsey 4,4


Graph::Maker, Graph::Maker::Cycle, Graph::Maker::Complete, Graph::Maker::RookGrid


Copyright 2018, 2019 Kevin Ryde

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This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

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