Term::Form::ReadLine - Read a line from STDIN.


Version 0.544


# Object-oriented interface:

use Term::Form::ReadLine;

my $new = Term::Form::ReadLine->new();

my $line = $new->readline( 'Prompt: ', { default => 'abc' } );

# Functional interface:

use Term::Form::ReadLine qw( read_line );

my $line = read_line( 'Prompt: ', { default => 'abc' } );


readline reads a line from STDIN. As soon as Return is pressed readline returns the read string without the newline character - so no chomp is required.

The output is removed after leaving the method, so the user can decide what remains on the screen.


BackSpace or Ctrl-H: Delete the character behind the cursor.

Delete or Ctrl-D: Delete the character at point.

Ctrl-U: Delete the text backward from the cursor to the beginning of the line.

Ctrl-K: Delete the text from the cursor to the end of the line.

Right-Arrow or Ctrl-F: Move forward a character.

Left-Arrow or Ctrl-B: Move back a character.

Home or Ctrl-A: Move to the start of the line.

End or Ctrl-E: Move to the end of the line.

Up-Arrow or Ctrl-R: Move back 10 characters.

Down-Arrow or Ctrl-S: Move forward 10 characters.

Ctrl-X: If the input puffer is not empty, the input puffer is cleared, else Ctrl-X returns nothing (undef).



The new method returns a Term::Form::ReadLine object.

my $new = Term::Form::ReadLine->new();

To set the different options it can be passed a reference to a hash as an optional argument.


readline reads a line from STDIN.

$line = $new->readline( $prompt, \%options );

The fist argument is the prompt string.

The optional second argument is the default string (see option default) if it is not a reference. If the second argument is a hash-reference, the hash is used to set the different options. The keys/options are


If enabled, the screen is cleared before the output.

0 - clears from the current position to the end of screen

1 - clears the entire screen

2 - clears only the readline row, if show_context is not enabled and info not set. If show_context is enabled or info is set clears from the current position to the end of screen as with clear_screen set to 0.

default: 0


This option has only meaning if the operating system is MSWin32.

If the OS is MSWin32, Win32::Console::ANSI is used. By default Win32::Console::ANSI converts the characters from Windows code page to DOS code page (the so-called ANSI to OEM conversion). This conversation is disabled by default in Term::Choose but one can enable it by setting this option.

Setting this option to 1 enables the codepage mapping offered by Win32::Console::ANSI.

0 - disable automatic codepage mapping (default)

1 - keep automatic codepage mapping

default: 0


Enables the support for color and text formatting escape sequences for the prompt string and the info text.

0 - off

1 - on

default: 0


Set a initial value of input.


0 - disabled

1 - enabled

default: 1


Expects as is value a string. If set, the string is printed on top of the output of readline.


0 - the input is echoed on the screen.

1 - "*" are displayed instead of the characters.

2 - no output is shown apart from the prompt string.

default: 0


Display the input that does not fit into the "readline" before or after the "readline".

0 - disable show_context

1 - enable show_context

default: 0


Perl version

Requires Perl version 5.10.0 or greater.


It is required a terminal which uses a monospaced font.

Unless the OS is MSWin32 the terminal has to understand ANSI escape sequences.

Encoding layer

It is required to use appropriate I/O encoding layers. If the encoding layer for STDIN doesn't match the terminal's character set, readline will break if a non ascii character is entered.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Term::Form::ReadLine


Matthäus Kiem <>


Thanks to the and the people form stackoverflow for the help.


Copyright 2022-2022 Matthäus Kiem.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For details, see the full text of the licenses in the file LICENSE.