Bio::Das - Interface to Distributed Annotation System


  use Bio::Das;

  # create a new DAS agent with a timeout of 5 sec
  my $das = Bio::Das->new(5);

  # fetch features from wormbase server spanning two segments on chromosome I
  my $response = $das->features(-dsn     => '',
				-segment => ['CHROMOSOME_I:1,10000',
  die $response->error unless $response->is_success;
  my $results = $response->results;
  for my $segment (keys %$results) {
      my @features = @{$results->{$segment}};
      print join ' ',$seg,@features,"\n";

  # alternatively, invoke with a callback:
  $das->features(-dsn     => '',
	  	 -segment => ['CHROMOSOME_I:1,10000',
		 -callback => sub { my $feature = shift;
                                    my $segment = $feature->segment;
                                    my ($start,$end) = ($feature->start,$feature->end);
                                    print "$segment => $feature ($start,$end)\n";


Bio::Das provides access to genome sequencing and annotation databases that export their data in Distributed Annotation System (DAS) format version 1.5. This system is described at Both unencrypted (http:) and SSL-encrypted (https:) DAS servers are supported. (To run SSL, you will need IO::Socket::SSL and Net::SSLeay installed).

The components of the Bio::Das class hierarchy are:


This class performs I/O with the DAS server, and is responsible for generating DAS requests. At any time, multiple requests to different DAS servers can be running simultaneously.


This class encapsulates a request to a particular DAS server, as well as the response that is returned from it. Methods allow you to return the status of the request, the error message if any, and the data results.


This encapsulates information about a segment on the genome, and contains information on its start, end and length.


This provides information on a particular feature of a Bio::Das::Segment, such as its type, orientation and score.


This class contains information about a feature's type, and is a holder for an ontology term.


This class contains information about a DAS data source.


This class is unimplemented, but is intended to hold information about the DAS stylesheet.


The public Bio::Das constructor is new():

$das = Bio::Das->new($timeout [,$authentication_callback])

Create a new Bio::Das object, with the indicated timeout and optional callback for authentication. The timeout will be used to decide when a server is not responding and to return a "can't connect" error. Its value is in seconds, and can be fractional (most systems will provide millisecond resolution). The authentication callback will be invoked if the remote server challenges Bio::Das for authentication credentials.

If successful, this method returns a Bio::Das object.


Once created, the Bio::Das object provides the following accessor methods:

$proxy = $das->proxy([$new_proxy])

Get or set the proxy to use for accessing indicated servers. Only HTTP and HTTPS proxies are supported at the current time.

$callback = $das->auth_callback([$new_callback])

Get or set the callback to use when authentication is required. See the section "Authentication" for more details.

$timeout = $das->timeout([$new_timeout])

Get or set the timeout for slow servers.

$debug = $das->debug([$debug_flag])

Get or set a flag that will turn on verbose debugging messages.


The following methods accept a series of arguments, contact the indicated DAS servers, and return a series of response objects from which you can learn the status of the request and fetch the results.

@response = $das->dsn(@list_of_urls)

The dsn() method accepts a list of DAS server URLs and returns a list of the DSNs provided by each server.

The request objects will indicate whether each request was successful via their is_success() methods. For your convenience, the request object is automagically stringified into the requested URL. For example:

 my $das = Bio::Das->new(5);  # timeout of 5 sec
 my @response = $das->dsn('',

 for my $url (@response) {
   if ($url->is_success) {
     my @dsns = $url->results;
     print "$url:\t\n";
     foreach (@dsns) {
       print "\t",$_->url,"\t",$_->description,"\n";
   } else {
     print "$url: ",$url->error,"\n";

Each element in @dsns is a Bio::Das::DSN object that can be used subsequently in calls to features(), types(), etc. For example, when this manual page was written, the following was the output of this script.	This is the EST-predicted transcripts on...	Human Aug. 2001 Human Genome at UCSC	Human Dec. 2001 Human Genome at UCSC	Mouse Nov. 2001 Human Genome at UCSC	Mouse Feb. 2002 Human Genome at UCSC	Human April 2002 Human Genome at UCSC	Human June 2002 Human Genome at UCSC     This is the The C. elegans genome at CSHL	        Test annotations	C. elegans annotations on chromosome I & II	ensembl test annotations	        Test annotations	transcripts test annotations

Notice that the DSN URLs always have the format:$DSN

In which the ^^^ indicated part is identical to the server address.

@response = $das->types(-dsn=>[$dsn1,$dsn2],@other_args)

The types() method asks the indicated servers to return the feature types that they provide. Arguments are name-value pairs:

Argument      Description
--------      -----------

-dsn          A DAS DSN, as returned by the dsn() call.  You may
              also provide a simple string containing the DSN URL.
              To make the types() request on multiple servers, pass an
              array reference containing the list of DSNs.

-segment      (optional) An array ref of segment objects.  If provided, the
              list of types will be restricted to the indicated segments.

-category     (optional) An array ref of type categories.  If provided,
              the list of types will be restricted to the indicated

-enumerate    (optional) If true, the server will return the count of
              each time.

-callback     (optional) Specifies a subroutine to be invoked on each
              type object received.

Segments have the format: "seq_id:start,end". If successful, the response results() method will return a list of Bio::Das::Type objects.

If a callback is specified, the code ref will be invoked with two arguments. The first argument is the Bio::Das::Segment object, and the second is an array ref containing the list of types present in that segment. If no -segment argument was provided, then the callback will be invoked once with a dummy segment (a version, but no seq_id, start or end), and an arrayref containing the types. If a callback is specified, then the @response array will return the status codes for each request, but invoking results() will return empty.

@response = $das->entry_points(-dsn=>[$dsn1,$dsn2],@other_args)

Invoke an entry_points request. Arguments are name-value pairs:

Argument      Description
--------      -----------

-dsn          A DAS DSN, as returned by the dsn() call.  You may
              also provide a simple string containing the DSN URL.
              To make the types() request on multiple servers, pass an
              array reference containing the list of DSNs.

-callback     (optional) Specifies a subroutine to be invoked on each
              segment object received.

If a callback is specified, then the @response array will contain the status codes for each request, but the results() method will return empty.

Successful responses will return a set of Bio::Das::Segment objects.

@response = $das->features(-dsn=>[$dsn1,$dsn2],@other_args)

Invoke a features request to return a set of Bio::Das::Feature objects. The -dsn argument is required, and may point to a single DSN or to an array ref of several DSNs. Other arguments are optional:

Argument      Description
--------      -----------

-dsn          A DAS DSN, as returned by the dsn() call.  You may
              also provide a simple string containing the DSN URL.
              To make the types() request on multiple servers, pass an
              array reference containing the list of DSNs.

-segment      A single segment, or an array ref containing
              several segments.  Segments are either Bio::Das::Segment
              objects, or strings of the form "seq_id:start,end".

-type         (optional) A single feature type, or an array ref containing
              several feature types.  Types are either Bio::Das::Type
              objects, or plain strings.

-category     (optional) A single feature type category, or an array ref
              containing several categories.  Category names are described
              in the DAS specification.

-feature_id   (optional) One or more feature IDs.  The server will return
              the list of segment(s) that contain these IDs.  You will
              need to check with the data provider for the proper format
              of the IDs, but the style "class:ID" is common.  This will
              be replaced in the near future by LSID-style IDs.  Also note
              that only servers compliant with the 1.52 version of the
              spec will honor this.

-group_id     (optional) One or more group IDs.  The server will return
              the list of segment(s) that contain these IDs.  You will
              need to check with the data provider for the proper format
              of the IDs, but the style "class:ID" is common.  This will
              be replaced in the near future by LSID-style IDs.  Also note
              that only servers compliant with the 1.52 version of the
              spec will honor this.

-callback     (optional) Specifies a subroutine to be invoked on each
              Bio::Das::Feature object received.

If a callback is specified, then the @response array will contain the status codes for each request, but results() will return empty.

Note, if the -segment argument is not provided, some servers will provide all the features in the database.

@response = $das->dna(-dsn=>[$dsn1,$dsn2],@other_args)

Invoke a features request to return a DNA string. The -dsn argument is required, and may point to a single DSN or to an array ref of several DSNs. Other arguments are optional:

Argument      Description
--------      -----------

-dsn          A DAS DSN, as returned by the dsn() call.  You may
              also provide a simple string containing the DSN URL.
              To make the types() request on multiple servers, pass an
              array reference containing the list of DSNs.

-segment      (optional) A single segment, or an array ref containing
              several segments.  Segments are either Bio::Das::Segment
              objects, or strings of the form "seq_id:start,end".

-callback     (optional) Specifies a subroutine to be invoked on each
              DNA string received.

-dsn, -segment and -callback have the same meaning that they do in similar methods.

Fetching results

- documentation pending -


- documentation pending -


Lincoln Stein <>.

Copyright (c) 2001 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty.


Bio::Das::Segment, Bio::Das::Type, Bio::Das::Stylesheet, Bio::Das::Source, Bio::RangeI

1 POD Error

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