NAME VM::EC2::REST::elastic_load_balancer
use VM::EC2 ':elb';
The methods in this module allow you to retrieve information about Elastic Load Balancers, create new ELBs, and change the properties of the ELBs.
Implemented: ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets ConfigureHealthCheck CreateAppCookieStickinessPolicy CreateLBCookieStickinessPolicy CreateLoadBalancer CreateLoadBalancerListeners CreateLoadBalancerPolicy DeleteLoadBalancer DeleteLoadBalancerListeners DeleteLoadBalancerPolicy DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer DescribeInstanceHealth DescribeLoadBalancerPolicies DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypes DescribeLoadBalancers DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnets DisableAvailabilityZonesForLoadBalancer EnableAvailabilityZonesForLoadBalancer RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer SetLoadBalancerListenerSSLCertificate SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServer SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener
Unimplemented: (none)
The primary object manipulated by these methods is VM::EC2::ELB. Please see the VM::EC2::ELB manual page
@lbs = $ec2->describe_load_balancers(-load_balancer_name=>\@names)
@lbs = $ec2->describe_load_balancers(@names)
Provides detailed configuration information for the specified ELB(s).
Optional parameters are:
-load_balancer_names Name of the ELB to return information on.
This can be a string scalar, or an arrayref.
-load_balancer_name Aliases for -load_balancer_names
Returns a series of VM::EC2::ELB objects.
$success = $ec2->delete_load_balancer(-load_balancer_name=>$name)
$success = $ec2->delete_load_balancer($name)
Deletes the specified ELB.
-load_balancer_name -- The name of the ELB to delete
-lb_name -- Alias for -load_balancer_name
Returns true on successful deletion. NOTE: This API call will return success regardless of existence of the ELB.
$healthcheck = $ec2->configure_health_check(-load_balancer_name => $name, -healthy_threshold => $cnt, -interval => $secs, -target => $target, -timeout => $secs, -unhealthy_threshold => $cnt)
Define an application healthcheck for the instances.
All Parameters are required.
-load_balancer_name Name of the ELB.
-healthy_threashold Specifies the number of consecutive health probe successes
required before moving the instance to the Healthy state.
-interval Specifies the approximate interval, in seconds, between
health checks of an individual instance.
-target Must be a string in the form: Protocol:Port[/PathToPing]
- Valid Protocol types are: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, SSL
- Port must be in range 1-65535
- PathToPing is only applicable to HTTP or HTTPS protocol
types and must be 1024 characters long or fewer.
-timeout Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, during which no
response means a failed health probe.
-unhealthy_threashold Specifies the number of consecutive health probe failures
required before moving the instance to the Unhealthy state.
-lb_name Alias for -load_balancer_name
Returns a VM::EC2::ELB::HealthCheck object.
$success = $ec2->create_app_cookie_stickiness_policy(-load_balancer_name => $name, -cookie_name => $cookie, -policy_name => $policy)
Generates a stickiness policy with sticky session lifetimes that follow that of an application-generated cookie. This policy can be associated only with HTTP/HTTPS listeners.
Required arguments:
-load_balancer_name Name of the ELB.
-cookie_name Name of the application cookie used for stickiness.
-policy_name The name of the policy being created. The name must
be unique within the set of policies for this ELB.
-lb_name Alias for -load_balancer_name
Returns true on successful execution.
$success = $ec2->create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy(-load_balancer_name => $name, -cookie_expiration_period => $secs, -policy_name => $policy)
Generates a stickiness policy with sticky session lifetimes controlled by the lifetime of the browser (user-agent) or a specified expiration period. This policy can be associated only with HTTP/HTTPS listeners.
Required arguments:
-load_balancer_name Name of the ELB.
-cookie_expiration_period The time period in seconds after which the
cookie should be considered stale. Not
specifying this parameter indicates that the
sticky session will last for the duration of
the browser session. OPTIONAL
-policy_name The name of the policy being created. The name
must be unique within the set of policies for
this ELB.
-lb_name Alias for -load_balancer_name
Returns true on successful execution.
$lb = $ec2->create_load_balancer(-load_balancer_name => $name, -listeners => \@listeners, -availability_zones => \@zones, -scheme => $scheme, )
Creates a new ELB.
Required arguments:
-load_balancer_name Name of the ELB.
-listeners Must either be a L<VM::EC2::ELB:Listener> object
(or arrayref of objects) or a hashref (or arrayref
of hashrefs) containing the following keys:
Protocol -- Value as one of: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, or SSL
LoadBalancerPort -- Value in range 1-65535
InstancePort -- Value in range 1-65535
and optionally:
InstanceProtocol -- Value as one of: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, or SSL
SSLCertificateId -- Certificate ID from AWS IAM certificate list
-availability_zones Literal string or array of strings containing valid
availability zones. Optional if subnets are
specified in a VPC usage scenario.
Optional arguments:
-scheme The type of ELB. By default, Elastic Load Balancing
creates an Internet-facing LoadBalancer with a
publicly resolvable DNS name, which resolves to
public IP addresses. Specify the value 'internal'
for this option to create an internal LoadBalancer
with a DNS name that resolves to private IP addresses.
This option is only available in a VPC.
-security_groups The security groups assigned to your ELB within your
VPC. String or arrayref.
-subnets A list of subnet IDs in your VPC to attach to your
ELB. String or arrayref. REQUIRED if availability
zones are not specified above.
Argument aliases:
-zones Alias for -availability_zones
-lb_name Alias for -load_balancer_name
Returns a VM::EC2::ELB object if successful.
$success = $ec2->create_load_balancer_listeners(-load_balancer_name => $name, -listeners => \@listeners)
Creates one or more listeners on a ELB for the specified port. If a listener with the given port does not already exist, it will be created; otherwise, the properties of the new listener must match the properties of the existing listener.
-listeners Must either be a L<VM::EC2::ELB:Listener> object (or arrayref of
objects) or a hash (or arrayref of hashes) containing the
following keys:
Protocol -- Value as one of: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, or SSL
LoadBalancerPort -- Value in range 1-65535
InstancePort -- Value in range 1-65535
and optionally:
InstanceProtocol -- Value as one of: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, or SSL
SSLCertificateId -- Certificate ID from AWS IAM certificate list
-lb_name Alias for -load_balancer_name
Returns true on successful execution.
$success = $ec2->delete_load_balancer_listeners(-load_balancer_name => $name, -load_balancer_ports => \@ports)
Deletes listeners from the ELB for the specified port.
-load_balancer_name The name of the ELB
-load_balancer_ports An arrayref of strings or literal string containing
the port numbers.
-ports Alias for -load_balancer_ports
-lb_name Alias for -load_balancer_name
Returns true on successful execution.
@z = $ec2->disable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer(-load_balancer_name => $name, -availability_zones => \@zones)
Removes the specified EC2 Availability Zones from the set of configured Availability Zones for the ELB. There must be at least one Availability Zone registered with a LoadBalancer at all times. Instances registered with the ELB that are in the removed Availability Zone go into the OutOfService state.
-load_balancer_name The name of the ELB
-availability_zones Arrayref or literal string of availability zone names
(ie. us-east-1a)
-zones Alias for -availability_zones
-lb_name Alias for -load_balancer_name
Returns an array of VM::EC2::AvailabilityZone objects now associated with the ELB.
@z = $ec2->enable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer(-load_balancer_name => $name, -availability_zones => \@zones)
Adds one or more EC2 Availability Zones to the ELB. The ELB evenly distributes requests across all its registered Availability Zones that contain instances.
-load_balancer_name The name of the ELB
-availability_zones Array or literal string of availability zone names
(ie. us-east-1a)
-zones Alias for -availability_zones
-lb_name Alias for -load_balancer_name
Returns an array of VM::EC2::AvailabilityZone objects now associated with the ELB.
@i = $ec2->register_instances_with_load_balancer(-load_balancer_name => $name, -instances => \@instance_ids)
Adds new instances to the ELB. If the instance is in an availability zone that is not registered with the ELB will be in the OutOfService state. Once the zone is added to the ELB the instance will go into the InService state.
-load_balancer_name The name of the ELB
-instances An arrayref or literal string of Instance IDs.
-lb_name Alias for -load_balancer_name
Returns an array of instances now associated with the ELB in the form of VM::EC2::Instance objects.
@i = $ec2->deregister_instances_from_load_balancer(-load_balancer_name => $name, -instances => \@instance_ids)
Deregisters instances from the ELB. Once the instance is deregistered, it will stop receiving traffic from the ELB.
-load_balancer_name The name of the ELB
-instances An arrayref or literal string of Instance IDs.
-lb_name Alias for -load_balancer_name
Returns an array of instances now associated with the ELB in the form of VM::EC2::Instance objects.
$success = $ec2->set_load_balancer_listener_ssl_certificate(-load_balancer_name => $name, -load_balancer_port => $port, -ssl_certificate_id => $cert_id)
Sets the certificate that terminates the specified listener's SSL connections. The specified certificate replaces any prior certificate that was used on the same ELB and port.
Required arguments:
-load_balancer_name The name of the the ELB.
-load_balancer_port The port that uses the specified SSL certificate.
-ssl_certificate_id The ID of the SSL certificate chain to use. See the
AWS Identity and Access Management documentation under
Managing Server Certificates for more information.
Alias arguments:
-lb_name Alias for -load_balancer_name
-port Alias for -load_balancer_port
-cert_id Alias for -ssl_certificate_id
Returns true on successful execution.
@states = $ec2->describe_instance_health(-load_balancer_name => $name, -instances => \@instance_ids)
Returns the current state of the instances of the specified LoadBalancer. If no instances are specified, the state of all the instances for the ELB is returned.
Required arguments:
-load_balancer_name The name of the ELB
Optional parameters:
-instances Literal string or arrayref of Instance IDs
-lb_name Alias for -load_balancer_name
-instance_id Alias for -instances
Returns an array of VM::EC2::ELB::InstanceState objects.
$success = $ec2->create_load_balancer_policy(-load_balancer_name => $name, -policy_name => $policy, -policy_type_name => $type_name, -policy_attributes => \@attrs)
Creates a new policy that contains the necessary attributes depending on the policy type. Policies are settings that are saved for your ELB and that can be applied to the front-end listener, or the back-end application server, depending on your policy type.
Required Arguments:
-load_balancer_name The name associated with the LoadBalancer for which the
policy is being created. This name must be unique within
the client AWS account.
-policy_name The name of the ELB policy being created. The name must
be unique within the set of policies for this ELB.
-policy_type_name The name of the base policy type being used to create
this policy. To get the list of policy types, use the
describe_load_balancer_policy_types function.
Optional Arguments:
-policy_attributes Arrayref of hashes containing AttributeName and AttributeValue
-lb_name Alias for -load_balancer_name
Returns true if successful.
$success = $ec2->delete_load_balancer_policy(-load_balancer_name => $name, -policy_name => $policy)
Deletes a policy from the ELB. The specified policy must not be enabled for any listeners.
-load_balancer_name The name of the ELB
-policy_name The name of the ELB policy
-lb_name Alias for -load_balancer_name
Returns true if successful.
@policy_descs = $ec2->describe_load_balancer_policies(-load_balancer_name => $name, -policy_names => \@names)
Returns detailed descriptions of ELB policies. If you specify an ELB name, the operation returns either the descriptions of the specified policies, or descriptions of all the policies created for the ELB. If you don't specify a ELB name, the operation returns descriptions of the specified sample policies, or descriptions of all the sample policies. The names of the sample policies have the ELBSample- prefix.
Optional Arguments:
-load_balancer_name The name of the ELB.
-policy_names The names of ELB policies created or ELB sample policy names.
-lb_name Alias for -load_balancer_name
Returns an array of VM::EC2::ELB::PolicyDescription objects if successful.
@policy_types = $ec2->describe_load_balancer_policy_types(-policy_type_names => \@names)
Returns meta-information on the specified ELB policies defined by the Elastic Load Balancing service. The policy types that are returned from this action can be used in a create_load_balander_policy call to instantiate specific policy configurations that will be applied to an ELB.
Required arguemnts:
-load_balancer_name The name of the ELB.
Optional arguments:
-policy_type_names Literal string or arrayref of policy type names
-names Alias for -policy_type_names
Returns an array of VM::EC2::ELB::PolicyTypeDescription objects if successful.
$success = $ec2->set_load_balancer_policies_of_listener(-load_balancer_name => $name, -load_balancer_port => $port, -policy_names => \@names)
Associates, updates, or disables a policy with a listener on the ELB. Multiple policies may be associated with a listener.
Required arguments:
-load_balancer_name The name associated with the ELB.
-load_balancer_port The external port of the LoadBalancer with which this
policy applies to.
-policy_names List of policies to be associated with the listener.
Currently this list can have at most one policy. If the
list is empty, the current policy is removed from the
listener. String or arrayref.
Returns true if successful.
@sgs = $ec2->apply_security_groups_to_load_balancer(-load_balancer_name => $name, -security_groups => \@groups)
Associates one or more security groups with your ELB in VPC. The provided security group IDs will override any currently applied security groups.
Required arguments:
-load_balancer_name The name associated with the ELB.
-security_groups A list of security group IDs to associate with your ELB in
VPC. The security group IDs must be provided as the ID and
not the security group name (For example, sg-123456).
String or arrayref.
Returns a series of VM::EC2::SecurityGroup objects.
@subnets = $ec2->attach_load_balancer_to_subnets(-load_balancer_name => $name, -subnets => \@subnets)
Adds one or more subnets to the set of configured subnets for the ELB.
Required arguments:
-load_balancer_name The name associated with the ELB.
-subnets A list of subnet IDs to add for the ELB. String or
Returns a series of VM::EC2::VPC::Subnet objects corresponding to the subnets the ELB is now attached to.
@subnets = $ec2->detach_load_balancer_from_subnets(-load_balancer_name => $name, -subnets => \@subnets)
Removes subnets from the set of configured subnets in the VPC for the ELB.
Required arguments:
-load_balancer_name The name associated with the ELB.
-subnets A list of subnet IDs to add for the ELB. String or
Returns a series of VM::EC2::VPC::Subnet objects corresponding to the subnets the ELB is now attached to.
$success = $ec2->set_load_balancer_policies_for_backend_server(-instance_port => $port, -load_balancer_name => $name, -policy_names => \@policies)
Replaces the current set of policies associated with a port on which the back- end server is listening with a new set of policies. After the policies have been created, they can be applied here as a list. At this time, only the back- end server authentication policy type can be applied to the back-end ports; this policy type is composed of multiple public key policies.
Required arguments:
-load_balancer_name The name associated with the ELB.
-instance_port The port number associated with the back-end server.
-policy_names List of policy names to be set. If the list is empty,
then all current polices are removed from the back-end
-port Alias for -instance_port
-lb_name Alias for -load_balancer_name
Returns true if successful.
Lincoln Stein <>.
Copyright (c) 2011 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL (either version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic License 2.0. Refer to LICENSE for the full license text. In addition, please see DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty.