use VM::EC2 ':vpc';


EC2 virtual private clouds (VPCs) provide facilities for creating tiered applications combining public and private subnetworks, and for extending your home/corporate network into the cloud.

Implemented: CreateVpc DeleteVpc DescribeVpcs DescribeVpcAttribute ModifyVpcAttribute

Unimplemented: (none)

$vpc = $ec2->create_vpc(-cidr_block=>$cidr,-instance_tenancy=>$tenancy)

Create a new VPC. This can be called with a single argument, in which case it is interpreted as the desired CIDR block, or

$vpc = $ec2->$ec2->create_vpc('') or die $ec2->error_str;

Or it can be called with named arguments.

Required arguments:

-cidr_block      The Classless Internet Domain Routing address, in the
                 form xx.xx.xx.xx/xx. One or more subnets will be allocated
                 from within this block.

Optional arguments:

-instance_tenancy "default" or "dedicated". The latter requests AWS to
                 launch all your instances in the VPC on single-tenant
                 hardware (at additional cost).

See for a description of the valid CIDRs that can be used with EC2.

On success, this method will return a new VM::EC2::VPC object. You can then use this object to create new subnets within the VPC:

$vpc     = $ec2->create_vpc('')    or die $ec2->error_str;
$subnet1 = $vpc->create_subnet('') or die $vpc->error_str;
$subnet2 = $vpc->create_subnet('') or die $vpc->error_str;
$subnet3 = $vpc->create_subnet('') or die $vpc->error_str;

@vpc = $ec2->describe_vpcs(@vpc_ids)

@vpc = $ec2->describe_vpcs(\%filter)

@vpc = $ec2->describe_vpcs(-vpc_id=>\@list,-filter=>\%filter)

Describe VPCs that you own and return a list of VM::EC2::VPC objects. Call with no arguments to return all VPCs, or provide a list of VPC IDs to return information on those only. You may also provide a filter list, or named argument forms.

Optional arguments:

-vpc_id      A scalar or array ref containing the VPC IDs you want
             information on.

-filter      A hashref of filters to apply to the query.

The filters you can use are described at

$success = $ec2->delete_vpc($vpc_id)

$success = $ec2->delete_vpc(-vpc_id=>$vpc_id)

Delete the indicated VPC, returning true if successful.

$attr = $ec2->describe_vpc_attribute(-vpc_id => $id, -attribute => $attr)

Describes an attribute of the specified VPC.

Required arguments:

-vpc_id                  The ID of the VPC.

-attribute               The VPC attribute.
                         Valid values:
                         enableDnsSupport | enableDnsHostnames

Returns true if attribute is set.

$success = $ec2->modify_vpc_attribute(-vpc_id => $id, -enable_dns_support => $boolen, -enable_dns_hostnames => $boolean)

Modify attributes of a VPC.

Required Arguments:

-vpc_id                  The ID of the VPC.

-enable_dns_support      Specifies whether the DNS server provided
                         by Amazon is enabled for the VPC.

Optional arguments:

-enable_dns_hostnames    Specifies whether DNS hostnames are provided
                         for the instances launched in this VPC. You
                         can only set this attribute to true if
                         -enable_dns_support is also true.

Returns true on success.




Lincoln Stein <>.

Copyright (c) 2011 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research

This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL (either version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic License 2.0. Refer to LICENSE for the full license text. In addition, please see DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty.