Bio::Polloc::GroupCriteria - Rules to group loci


Takes loci and returns groups of loci based on certain rules. If created via .bme (.cfg) files, it is defined in the [ RuleGroup ] and [ GroupExtension ] namespaces.

AUTHOR - Luis M. Rodriguez-R

Email lmrodriguezr at gmail dot com


APPENDIX - Methods

Methods provided by the package


Generic initialization method

-souce str

See source()

-target str

See target()

-features Bio::Polloc::LociGroup

Alias of -loci

-loci Bio::Polloc::LociGroup

See locigroup()


The Bio::Polloc::GroupCriteria object


Sets/gets the type of source loci (see Bio::Polloc::LocusI->family()


Sets/gets the type of target loci (see Bio::Polloc::LocusI->family()


Gets/sets the input Bio::Polloc::LociGroup object containing all the loci to evaluate.


Sets/gets the conditions set to evaluate.


Compares two loci based on the defined conditions




Bio::Polloc::Polloc::Error if unexpected input or undefined condition, source or target


Gets the stored loci


The stored loci can also be obtained with $object->locigroup->loci, but this function ensures a consistent order in the loci for its evaluation.


Get the locus with the specified index.


The index (int, mandatory).


A Bio::Polloc::LocusI object or undef.


This is a lazzy method, and should be used ONLY after get_loci() were called at least once. Otherwise, the order might not be the expected, and weird results would appear.


Sets the conditions for group extensions.


Array, hash or string with -key => value pairs. Supported values are:

-function str

Searches the flanking regions in the target sequence.

-upstream int

Extension in number of residues upstream the feature.

-downstream int

Extension in number of residues downstream the feature.

-detectstrand bool (int)

Should I detect the proper strand? Otherwise, the stored strand is trusted. This is useful for non-directed features like repeats, which context is actually directed.

-alldetected bool (int)

Include all detected features (even these overlapping with input features).

-feature bool (int)

Should I include the feature region in the search? 0 by default.

-lensd float

Number of Standar Deviations (SD) tolerated as half of the range of lengths for a feature. The average (Avg) and the standard deviation of the length are calculated based on all the stored features, and the Avg+(SD*lensd) is considered as the largest possible new feature. No minimum length constraint is given, unless explicitly set with -minlen. This argument is ignored if -maxlen is explicitly set. Default is 1.5.

-maxlen int

Maximum length of a new feature in number of residues. If zero (0) evaluates -lensd instead. Default is 0.

-minlen int

Minimum length of a new feature in number of residues. Default is 0.

-similarity float

Minimum fraction of similarity to include a found region. 0.8 by default.

-oneside bool (int)

Should I consider features with only one of the sides? Takes effect only if both -upstream and -downstream are defined. 0 by default.

-algorithm str

Use BLAST to search (after multiple alignment and consensus calculation of queries). Default algorithm.


Use HMMer to search (after multiple alignment and hmmbuild of query sequences).

-score int

Minimum score for either algorithms blast and hmmer. 20 by default.

-consensusperc float

Minimum percentage a residue must appear in order to include it in the consensus used as query. 60 by default. Only if -algorithm blast.

-e float

If -algorithm blast, maximum e-value. 0.1 by default.

-p str

If -algorithm blast, program used ([t]blast[npx]). blastn by default.


Bio::Polloc::Polloc::Error if unexpected input,


Extends a group based on the arguments provided by Bio::Polloc::GroupCriteria-extension()>.

-loci Bio::Polloc::LociGroup

The Bio::Polloc::LociGroup containing the loci in the group to extend.


A Bio::Polloc::LociGroup object containing the updated group, i.e. the original group PLUS the extended features.


Bio::Polloc::Polloc::Error if unexpected input or weird extension definition.


Compares all the included loci and returns the identity matrix

-complete bool (int)

If true, calculates the complete matrix instead of only the bottom-left triangle.


A reference to a boolean 2-dimensional array (only left-down triangle)


WARNING! The order of the output is not allways the same of the input. Please use get_loci() instead, as source features MUST be after target features in the array. Otherwise, it is not possible to have the full picture without building the full matrix (instead of half).


Builds groups of loci based on a binary matrix


A matrix as returned by Bio::Polloc::GroupCriteria->build_bin()


A 2-D arrayref.


This method is intended to build groups providing information on all-vs-all comparisons. If you do not need this information, use the much more efficient Bio::Polloc::GroupCriteria->build_groups() method, that relies on transitive property of groups to avoid unnecessary comparisons. Please note that this function also relies on transitivity, but gives you the option to examine all the paired comparisons and even write your own grouping function.


This is the main method, creates groups of loci.

-cpus int

If defined, attempts to distribute the work among the specified number of cores. Warning: This parameter is experimental, and relies on Parallel::ForkManager. It can be used in production with certain confidence, but it is highly probable to NOT work in parallel (to avoid errors, this method ignores the command at ANY possible error).

Unimplemented: This argument is currently ignored. Some algorithmic considerations must be addressed before using it. TODO.

-advance coderef

A reference to a function to call at every new pair. The function is called with three arguments, the first is the index of the first locus, the second is the index of the second locus and the third is the total number of loci. Note that this function is called BEFORE running the comparison.


An arrayref of Bio::Polloc::LociGroup objects, each containing one consistent group of loci.


This method is faster than combining build_bin() and build_groups_bin(), and it should be used whenever transitivity can be freely assumed and you do not need the all-vs-all matrix for further evaluation (for example, manual inspection).


Gets the genomes of the base group of loci. This function is similar to calling locigroup()->genomes(), but is read-only.


Methods intended to be used only within the scope of Bio::Polloc::*



Returns an incremental ID that attempts to identify the group used as basis of extension. Please note that this method DOES NOT check if the group's ID is the right one, and it is basically intended to keep track of how many times the extend() function has been called.



All the following arguments are mandatory and must be passed in that order. The strand will be determined by the relative position of from/to:

  • The sequence (Bio::Seq object).

  • The from position (int).

  • The to position (int).


A Bio::Seq object.


This method should be located at a higher hierarchy module (Root?).

This method is static.


Uses an alignment to search in the sequences of the collection of genomes


A Bio::SimpleAlign object


A 2D arrayref, where first key is an incremental and second key preserves the orrder in the structure: ["genome-key:acc", from, to, strand, score]


Takes an index 2D matrix and returns it as the equivalent Bio::Polloc::LocusI objects


2D matrix of integers (arrayref)


2D matrix of Bio::Polloc::LocusI objects (ref)

