HTML::FromMail::Field - output a header field as HTML
is a HTML::FromMail::Page
is a HTML::FromMail::Object
is a Mail::Reporter
$obj->addressField(FIELD, HOW, ARGS)
Produce text for a header field containing addresses. HOW this is done is defining the result. Possible values are 'ADDRESS'
, or 'LINK'
. See "address HOW" for details.
$obj->fromHead(HEAD, NAME, ARGS)
Returns the fields from the header with NAME. Some fields appear more than once, some may not be present.
$obj->htmlAddresses(FIELD, ARGS)
Returns an array with address info.
Produce the body of the field: everything after the first colon on the header line.
Option --Default
address 'MAILTO'
content <depends>
wrap 78
See "address HOW"
How to included the body of the field. If a wrap
is defined, then REFOLD is taken as default, otherwise DECODED is the default. See "content HOW"
. wrap => INTEGER
In combination with content REFOLD
, it specifies the maximum number of characters requested per line. See "wrap INTEGER".
Returns the name of the header field.
Option --Default
capitals 'UNCHANGED'
. capitals => 'UNCHANGED'|'WELLFORMED'
Overrules the default from new(settings) names
. See "names HOW".
$obj->lookup(LABEL, ARGS)
Option --Defined in --Default
settings HTML::FromMail::Object {}
topic HTML::FromMail::Object 'field'
. settings => HASH-OF-HASHES
. topic => STRING
Other methods
You can specify the following settings in HTML::FromMail::new(settings) for topic field
address HOW
Some fields are pre-defined to contain e-mail addresses. In many web-based clients, you see that these addresses are bluntly linked to, but you here have a choice. As example, the header field contains the address "My Name" <>
The possible settings for this parameter are
Show the address as was specified in the message header, without smart processing. "My Name" < >
According to the standards, the phrase is ment to represent the user in an understandable way. Usually this is the full name of the user. No link is made. My Name
Only show the address of the users.
Create a link behind the phrase. In case there is no phrase, the address itself is displayed. This is the most convenient link, if you decide to create a link. <a href="">My Name </a> <a href=""> </a>
Often seen, but more for simplicity of implementation is the link under the address. The
is probably easier to understand. "My Name" <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>
content HOW
Defined HOW field bodies are handled, by default UNFOLDED. Valid values are
Included the content FOLDED as found in the source message. This is the fastest choice, and usually in a preformatted html block, otherwise the folding will be lost again.
Do not accept the folding as found in the message headers, but force it into the wrap which is defined by
All line folding is removed from the field. This useful when the field body is displayed in a proportional font.
Fields may be character-set encoded. Decoding these fields is nicest, but consumes considerable time.
names HOW
Defines HOW field names are displayed: either 'WELLFORMED'
. Field names have a certain capitization (as defined by the message), but this may be different from the preferred use of capitals. The correct use of capitals is implemented by Mail::Message::Field subroutine wellformedName and will be used when WELLFORMED is selected. By default, the names are displayed UNCHANGED.
Example: using HTML::FromMail::Format::Magic
<!--{name capitals => WELLFORMED}-->
Used in combination with content REFOLD
, to specify how many characters are requested per line.
This module is part of HTML-FromMail distribution version 0.11, built on June 08, 2007. Website:
Copyrights 2003,2004,2007 by Mark Overmeer. For other contributors see ChangeLog.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See