Mail::Box::Tie - access an existing message-folder as an array or hash


As an array:

use Mail::Box::Tie;
tie my(@inbox), Mail::Box::Tie::ARRAY => $folder;
tie my(@inbox), Mail::Box::Tie => $folder;    # deprecated
print $inbox[3];

or as hash:

tie my(%inbox), Mail::Box::Tie::HASH => $folder;
tie my(%inbox), Mail::Box::Tie => $folder;    # deprecated
print $inbox{'<>'};


The use of Mail::Box::Tie is deprecated, because it is succeeded by two separate modules: Mail::Box::Tie::ARRAY and Mail::Box::Tie::HASH. However, this module still works.

Folders certainly look like an array of messages, so why not just access them as one? Or, the order is not important, but the message-ids are (give relations): why not access them from a hash based on this message-id? Programs using one of these ties will look simpler than programs using the more traditional method calls.



This module is part of Mail-Box distribution version 3.004, built on December 22, 2017.

Do not forget to read Mail::Box-Overview, Mail::Box-Cookbook, and Mail::Box-Index. Examples are included in the Mail-Box distribution, directories 'examples' and 'scripts'.

Browseable manuals, papers, and other released material van be found at Website:

The central modules (in separate distributions) in the MailBox suite are: Mail::Message, Mail::Box, Mail::Box::IMAP4, Mail::Box::POP3, Mail::Box::Parser::C, Mail::Box::Dbx (unpublished), Mail::Transport, Object::Realize::Later, and User::Identity.

Please post questions or ideas to the author


Copyrights 2001-2017 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See