Mail::Server::IMAP4::Fetch - message info for IMAP protocol speed-up


my $imap = Mail::Server::IMAP4::Fetch->new($msg);
print $imap->fetchBody(1);   # for FETCH BODYSTRUCTURE
print $imap->fetchBody;      # for FETCH BODY
print $imap->fetchEnvelope;  # for FETCH ENVELOPE
print $imap->fetchSize;


Create a new object hierarchy, which contains information to capture the most important details about the message. The object can be used to speed-up IMAP-server implementations, as Mail::Box::Netzwert.

The object used here is a simplified representation of a Mail::Box::Message object. It does not maintain headers and does not refer to the folder. It only works with messages stored in a file. Therefore, this object can be frozen by Storable if you want to.



Mail::Server::IMAP4::Fetch->new( <$message|$part>, %options )
-Option      --Default
 md5checksums  0
md5checksums => BOOLEAN



IMAP Commands


Returns one string, representing the message's structure as defined by the IMAP protocol. The boolean argument indicates whether you like to have the $extended information, as the imap command 'FETCH BODYSTRUCTURE' defines or the limited information of 'FETCH BODY'.


Returns a string representation of some header information.


Returns the size of the message body.

$obj->part( [$partnr] )

The partnummer is a list of dot-separated positive integers, numbering (nested) parts in multi-part message bodies. By default, the info of the main message is returned.


my $partinfo = $msg->info->part('1.2.1');
print $msg->info->part('3.3')->fetchBody;
$obj->printStructure( [<$fh|undef>, [$number]] )

Print the structure of the fetch data to the specified $fh or the selected filehandle. When explicitly undef is specified as handle, then the output will be returned as string. Only a limited set of the information is displayed.


my $imap = ...;
my $struct = $imap->printStructure(undef);




RFC2060: "Internet Message Access Protocol IMAP4v1" section 7.4.2
RFC2045: "MIME Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies".


This module is part of Mail-Box-IMAP4 distribution version 3.000, built on February 02, 2017.

Do not forget to read "Mail::Box-Overview", "Mail::Box-Cookbook", and "Mail::Box-Index". Examples are included in the Mail-Box distribution, directories 'examples' and 'scripts'.

Browseable manuals, papers, and other released material van be found at Website:

The central modules (in separate distributions) in the MailBox suite are: "Mail::Message", "Mail::Box", "Mail::Box::IMAP4", "Mail::Box::POP3", "Mail::Box::Parser::C", "Mail::Box::Dbx" (unpublished), "Mail::Transport", "Object::Realize::Later", and "User::Identity".

Please post questions or ideas to the author


Copyrights 2001-2017 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See