XML::Compile::Transport - base class for XML transporters
is a XML::Compile::SOAP::Extension
XML::Compile::Transport is extended by
use XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP;
my $trans = XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP->new(...);
my $call = $trans->compileClient(...);
my ($xmlout, $trace) = $call->($xmlin);
my $xmlout = $call->($xmlin); # when no trace needed
This module defines the exchange of (XML) messages. The module does not known how to parse or compose XML, but only worries about the transport aspects.
On the moment, there are two transporter implementations:
- XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP
implements an synchronous message exchange; the library waits for an answer before it returns to the user application. The information is exchanged using HTTP with SOAP encapsulation (SOAP also defines a transport protocol over HTTP without encapsulation)
- XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP_AnyEvent
This requires the installation of an additional module. The user provides a callback to handle responses. Many queries can be spawned in parallel.
- $obj->soap11ClientWrapper(OPERATION, CALL, ARGS)
- $obj->soap11HandlerWrapper(OPERATION, CALLBACK, ARGS)
- $obj->soap11OperationInit(OPERATION, ARGS)
- XML::Compile::Transport->soap11OperationInit(OPERATION, ARGS)
- $obj->address
Get a server address to contact. If multiple addresses were specified, than one is chosen at random.
- $obj->addresses
Returns a list of all server contact addresses (URIs)
- $obj->charset
Returns the charset to be used when sending,
- $obj->compileClient(OPTIONS)
Compile a client handler. Returned is a subroutine which is called with a text represenation of the XML request, or an XML::LibXML tree. In SCALAR context, an XML::LibXML parsed tree of the answer message is returned. In LIST context, that answer is followed by a HASH which contains trace information.
-Option--Default hook <undef> kind 'request-response'
- hook => CODE
See section "Use of the transport hook" in DETAILS. When defined, the hook will be called, in stead of transmitting the message. The hook will get a two parameters passed in: the textual representation of the XML message to be transmitted, and the trace HASH with all values collected so far. The trace HASH will have a massive amount of additional information added as well.
You may add information to the trace. You have to return a textual representation of the XML answer, or
to indicate that the message was totally unacceptable. - kind => STRING
Kind of communication, as defined by WSDL.
Use of the transport hook
Transport hook for debugging
The transport hook is a perfect means for producing automated tests. Also, the XML::Compile::SOAP module tests use it extensively. It works like this (for the SOAPHTTP simluation):
use Test::More;
sub fake_server($$)
{ my ($request, $trace) = @_;
my $content = $request->decoded_content;
is($content, <<__EXPECTED_CONTENT);
HTTP::Response->new(200, 'Constant'
, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml' ]
, <<__ANSWER
Then, the fake server is initiated in one of the follow ways:
my $transport = XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP->new(...);
my $http = $transport->compileClient(hook => \&fake_server, ...);
$wsdl->compileClient('GetLastTracePrice', transporter => $http);
my $soap = XML::Compile::SOAP11::Client->new(...);
my $call = $soap->compileClient(encode => ..., decode => ...,
transport_hook => \&fake_server);
my $wsdl = XML::Compile::WSDL11->new(...);
transport_hook => \&fake_server);
A transport hook can be used to follow the process of creating a message to its furthest extend: it will be called with the data as used by the actual protocol, but will not actually connect to the internet. Within the transport hook routine, you have to simulate the remote server's activities.
There are two reasons to use a hook:
- .
You may need to modify the request or answer messages outside the reach of XML::Compile::SOAP, because something is wrong in either your WSDL of XML::Compile message processing.
- .
You want to fake a server, to produce a test environment.
This module is part of XML-Compile-SOAP distribution version 2.24, built on June 20, 2011. Website:
Other distributions in this suite: XML::Compile, XML::Compile::SOAP, XML::Compile::SOAP12, XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon, XML::Compile::SOAP::WSA, XML::Compile::C14N, XML::Compile::WSS, XML::Compile::Tester, XML::Compile::Cache, XML::Compile::Dumper, XML::Compile::RPC, XML::Rewrite, XML::eXistDB, and XML::LibXML::Simple.
Please post questions or ideas to the mailinglist at For live contact with other developers, visit the #xml-compile
channel on
Copyrights 2007-2011 by Mark Overmeer. For other contributors see ChangeLog.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See