Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI::Access - Generation routes, authentication and controll access to routes trought sintax of ->over(...), see Mojolicious::Routes::Route#over

Access controll flow

  • routes -> roles -> users

  • controllers -> roles -> users

    Access to routes of any actions on controller.

    $r->...->to('foo#bar')->over(access=>{auth=>1}); # check access to route by controller name
  • roles

    Access to route (which not in db) by role id|name

    $r->...->over(access=>{auth=>1, role => <id|name>})->...

Generate the routes from DBI

  • route -> actions.action <- controllers

    Route to action method on controller

  • routes -> actions.callback

    Route to callback (no ref to controller, defined callback column (as text "sub {...}") in db table actions)


    dbh => $app->dbh,
    auth => {...},
    access => {< options below >},
  • namespace - default 'Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI',

  • module - default 'Access' (this module),

    Both above options determining the module which will play as manager of authentication, accessing and generate routing from DBI source.

  • fail_auth_cb = sub {my $c = shift;...}

    This callback invoke when request need auth route but authentication was failure.

  • fail_access_cb = sub {my ($c, $route, $r_hash) = @_;...}

    This callback invoke when request need auth route but access was failure. $route - Mojolicious::Routes::Route object, $r_hash - route hashref db item.


  • load_user($c, $uid) - fetch user record from table users by COOKIES. Import for Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication. Required.

  • validate_user($c, $login, $pass, $extradata) - fetch user record from table users by Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication. Required.


  • init_class()

    Make initialization of class vars: $dbh, $sth, $init_conf. Return $self object.

  • apply_route($self, $app, $r_hash)

    Insert to app->routes an hash item $r_hash. DB schema specific. Return new Mojolicious route.

  • db_routes()

    Fetch records for apply_routes. Must return arrayref of hashrefs routes.

  • load_user_roles($self, $c, $uid)

    Fetch records roles for session user. Must return arrayref of hashrefs roles.

  • access_route($self, $c, $id1, $id2)

    Check access to route ($id1) by user roles ids ($id2 arrayref). Must return false for deny access or true - allow access.

  • access_controller($self, $c, $r, $id2)

    Check access to route by $r->{namespace} and $r->{controller} for user roles ids ($id2 arrayref). Must return false for deny access or true - allow access to all actions of this controller.

  • access_role($self, $c, $r, $id2)

    Check access to route by role id|name ($r->{role}) and user roles ids ($id2 arrayref). Must return false for deny access or true - allow access.


Михаил Че (Mikhail Che), <mche [on]>


Please report any bugs or feature requests at Pull requests welcome also.


Copyright 2016 Mikhail Che.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.