Text::Amuse::Compile::TemplateOptions - parse and validate options for templates


my $options = Text::Amuse::Compile::TemplateOptions->new(%options);
my $doc = Text::Amuse->new(file => 'test.muse');
# and get the hashrefs for the tokens
my $latex_options = $options->as_latex($doc);


The follow accessors are read-write. The same settings can be passed to the script.


  • papersize (common values: a4, a5, letter)

    Paper size, like a4, a5 or 210mm:11in. The width and heigth are swapped in some komascript version. Just keep this in mind and do some trial and error if you need custom dimensions.

  • bcor (binding correction for inner margins)

    The BCOR of the typearea package. Defaults to 0mm. Go and read the doc. It expects a TeX dimension like 10mm or 1in or 1.2cm.

    Please note that this has no effect on the plain PDF output when an imposed version is also required, because we force BCOR=0mm and oneside=true for the planin version in this case.

  • division (the DIV factor for margin control)

    The DIV of the typearea package. Defaults to 12. Go and read the doc. Sensible values are from 9 to 15. 15 has narrow margins, while in 9 they are pretty generous.

  • oneside (boolean)

    This is the default. Actually, this option doesn't have any use.

  • twoside (boolean)

    Set it to a true value to have a twosided document. Default is false.

    Please note that this has no effect on the plain PDF output when an imposed version is also required, because we force BCOR=0mm and oneside=true for the planin version in this case.

  • opening

    On which pages the chapters should open: right, left, any. Default: right. The left one will probably lead to unexpected results (the PDF will start with an empty page), so use it at your own peril.


  • mainfont (grep fc-list -l for the correct name)

    The system font name, such as Linux Libertine O or Charis SIL. This implementation uses XeLaTeX, so we can use system fonts. Defaults to CMU Serif.

  • sansfont

    The sans serif font to use. This option has some effects only on slides. Defaults to CMU Sans Serif

  • monofont

    The monospace font to use. Defaults to CMU Typewriter Text.

  • fontsize

    The size of the body font (9, 10, 11, 12) as integer, meaning points (pt), defaulting to 10.


  • sitename

    At the top of the page

  • siteslogan

    At the top, under sitename

  • logo (filename)

    At the top, under siteslogan

  • site

    At the bottom of the page


  • cover (filename for front cover)

    When this option is set to a true value, skip the creation of the title page with \maketitle, and instead build a custome one, with the cover placed in the middle of the page.

    The value can be an absolute path, or a bare filename, which can be found by kpsewhich. If the path is not valid and sane (from the LaTeX point of view: no spaces, no strange chars), the value is ignored.

    With EPUB output, the cover is used in the title page.

  • coverwidth (dimension ratio with the text width, eg. '0.85')

    Option to control the cover width, when is set (ignored otherwise). Defaults to the full text width (i.e., 1). You have to pass a float here with the ratio to the text width, like 0.5, 1.

    With EPUB output, this affects the maximum width, not the actual width.

  • nocoverpage

    Use the LaTeX article class if ToC is not present. If the text doesn't require a toc, this options set the class to komascript's article. Ignored if there is a toc.

  • notoc

    Do not generate a table of contents, even if the document requires one.

  • headings

    Generate the running headings in the document. Beware that this will get you overfull headings if you have long titles.

    The behaviour changes if it's a oneside document.

    Available values:

    • title_subtitle

      Title on the left page, subtitle on right page. Oneside: title.

    • author_title

      Author on the left, title on the right. Oneside: title

    • section_subsection

      Section on the left, subsection on the right. Oneside: section name

    • chapter_section

      Chapter on the left, section on the right. Oneside: chapter name

    • title_section

      Title on the left, section on the right. Oneside: section name

    • title_chapter

      Title on the left, chapter on the right. Oneside: chapter name


  • beamertheme

    The theme to use with beamer, if and when the slides are produced. See the beamer manual or Defaults to the default one.

  • beamercolortheme

    Same as above, but for the color theme. Defaults to "dove" (b/w theme, can't see the default purple).



This merges oneside and twoside. If both or none are set, defaults to oneside.


The real name of the papersize, unaliased (so, e.g. half-a4 will be a5).


The list of the values which should be passed to the constructor


Return a validated hashref of the options. This is basically the purpose of this module.

Available fonts listing

They return a list of hashrefs, with two keys, name and desc. The first is the system font name, the second is the description. They can be called on the class.


Themes listing

The following methods can be called on the class and return lists with the available Beamer themes and color themes:


Headings style listing


Return a list of hashrefs with name and desc. Legacy options have an empty description.

Defaults fonts and themes




Print out the relevant stanza of the POD.