Bash::Completion::Plugin - base class for Bash::Completion plugins
version 0.005
## Example plugin for xpto command
package Bash::Completion::Plugin::XPTO;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent 'Bash::Completion::Plugin';
use Bash::Completion::Utils qw( command_in_path );
sub should_activate {
return [grep { command_in_path(_) } ('xpto')];
## Optionally, for full control of the generated bash code
sub generate_bash_setup {
return q{complete -C 'bash-complete complete XPTO' xpto};
## Use plugin arguments
sub generate_bash_setup {
return q{complete -C 'bash-complete complete XPTO arg1 arg2 arg3' xpto};
## $plugin->args will have ['arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3']
sub complete {
my ($self, $r) = @_;
my @options = ('-h', '--help');
$r->candidates(prefix_match($r->word, @options));
WARNING: the most important class for Plugin writers is the Request
class. Please note that the Request class interface is Alpha-quality
software, and I will update it before 1.0.
A base class for Bash::Completion plugins that provides the default implementations for the required plugin methods.
See the "SYNOPSIS" for an example of a plugin.
An list reference with plugin arguments.
A basic plugin constructor. Accepts a list of key/values. Accepted keys:
- args
A list reference with parameters to this plugin.
The method should_activate()
is used by the automatic setup of completion rules in the .bashrc. It should return a reference to a list of commands that the plugin is can complete.
If this method returns a reference to an empty list (the default), the plugin will not be used.
A common implementation of this method is to check the PATH for the command we want to provide completion, and return the com only if that command is found.
The Bash::Completion::Utils library has a command_in_path()
that can be pretty useful here.
For example:
sub should_activate {
return [grep { command_in_path($_) } qw( perldoc pod )];
This method receives the list of commands that where found by "should_activate" and must return a list of options to use when creating the bash complete
For example, if a plugin returns [qw( nospace default )]
, the following bash code is generated:
complete -C 'bash-complete complete PluginName' -o nospace -o default command
By default this method returns a reference to an empty list.
Alternatively, and for complete control, you can return a string with the entire bash code to activate the plugin.
The plugin completion logic. The class Bash::Completion will call this method with a Bash::Completion::Request object, and your code should use the Request candidates()
method to set the possible completions.
The Bash::Completion::Utils library has two functions, match_perl_module()
and prefix_math()
that can be pretty useful here.
Pedro Melo <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2010 by Pedro Melo.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)