WWW::BackpackTF::Currency - Class representing currency information
my @currencies = $bp->get_currencies;
my $currency = $currencies[0];
say 'Name: ', $currency->name;
say 'Quality (number): ', $currency->quality;
say 'Quality (human-readable): ', $currency->quality_name;
say 'Priceindex: ', $currency->priceindex;
say 'Craftable: ', ($currency->craftable ? 'YES' : 'NO');
say 'Tradable: ', ($currency->tradable ? 'YES' : 'NO');
say 'Singular form: ', $currency->single;
say 'Plural form: ', $currency->plural;
say 'Round to this many decimal places: ', $currency->round;
say 'Defindex: ', $currency->defindex;
say '3.15271 units of this currency is: ', $currency->stringify(3.15271); # example return values: "3.15 keys", "3.15 ref", "3.15 buds"
WWW::BackpackTF::Currency is a class representing information about a currency.
- name
The name of the currency.
- quality
The quality integer of the currency. Usually 6 (corresponding to the Unique quality).
- quality_name
The quality of the currency as a human-readable string. Usually 'Unique'.
- priceindex
The priceindex of a currency. Indicates a crate series or unusual effect. Usually 0.
- craftable
True if the currency is craftable, false otherwise. Usually true.
- tradable
True if the currency is tradable, false otherwise. Usually true.
- single
The singular form of the currency.
- plural
The plural form of the currency.
- round
The number of decimal places this currency should be rounded to.
- defindex
The definition index of the currency.
- stringify($count)
Rounds $count to the number of decimal places returned by round, then appends a space and the correct singular/plural form of the currency.
Marius Gavrilescu, <>
Copyright (C) 2014 by Marius Gavrilescu
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.18.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.