WebService::Strike - Get torrent info from API
use WebService::Strike;
my $t = strike 'B425907E5755031BDA4A8D1B6DCCACA97DA14C04';
say $t->title; # Arch Linux 2015.01.01 (x86\/x64)
say $t->magnet; # Returns a magnet link
my $torrent = $t->torrent; # Returns the torrent file
$t->torrent('file.torrent'); # Downloads the torrent file to 'file.torrent'
my @debian = strike_search 'Debian';
say 'Found ' . @debian . ' torrents matching "Debian"';
say 'First torrent has info hash ' . $debian[0]->hash;
my $mp = strike_search 'Modern perl', 1, category => 'Books';
say 'Torrent has ' . $mp->count . ' files. They are:';
say join ' ', @{$mp->file_names};
Strike API is a service for getting information about a torrent given its info hash. WebService::Strike is a wrapper for this service.
- strike(@info_hashes)
Returns a list of WebService::Strike::Torrent objects in list context or the first such object in scalar context. Dies in case of error.
- strike_query
Alias for strike. Not exported by default.
- strike_search($phrase, [$full, [ key => value ... ]])
Searches for torrents given a phrase. Returns a list of WebService::Strike::Torrent objects in list context or the first such object in scalar context.
If $full is false (default), the returned objects will be incomplete: their file_names and file_lengths accessors will return undef.
If $full is true, strike will be called with the info hashes of the found torrents, thus obtaining complete objects.
You can filter the search by appending key => value pairs to the call. For example:
strike_search 'windows', 0, category => 'Applications', sub_category => 'Windows';
WebService::Strike::Torrent,, WWW::Search::Torrentz
Marius Gavrilescu, <>
Copyright (C) 2015 by Marius Gavrilescu
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.20.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.