Plack::Middleware::AccessLog - Logs requests like Apache's log format
# in app.psgi
use Plack::Builder;
builder {
enable "Plack::Middleware::AccessLog", format => "combined";
Plack::Middleware::AccessLog forwards the request to the given app and logs request and response details to the logger callback. The format can be specified using Apache-like format strings (or combined
or common
for the default formats). If none is specified combined
is used.
This middleware uses calculable Content-Length by checking body type, and cannot log the time taken to serve requests. It also logs the request before the response is actually sent to the client. Use Plack::Middleware::AccessLog::Timed if you want to log details after the response is transmitted (more like a real web server) to the client.
This middleware is enabled by default when you run plackup as a default development
- format
enable "Plack::Middleware::AccessLog", format => '%h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-agent}i"';
Takes a format string (or a preset template
) to specify the log format. This middleware implements a subset of Apache's LogFormat templates:%% a percent sign %h REMOTE_ADDR from the PSGI environment, or - %l remote logname not implemented (currently always -) %u REMOTE_USER from the PSGI environment, or - %t [local timestamp, in default format] %r REQUEST_METHOD, REQUEST_URI and SERVER_PROTOCOL from the PSGI environment %s the HTTP status code of the response %b content length %T custom field for handling times in subclasses %D custom field for handling sub-second times in subclasses %v SERVER_NAME from the PSGI environment, or - %V HTTP_HOST or SERVER_NAME from the PSGI environment, or - %p SERVER_PORT from the PSGI environment %P the worker's process id
Some of these format fields are only supported by middleware that subclasses
.In addition, custom values can be referenced, using
, with one of the mandatory modifier flagsi
:%{variable-name}i HTTP_VARIABLE_NAME value from the PSGI environment %{header-name}o header-name header %{time-format]t localtime in the specified strftime format
- logger
my $logger = Log::Dispatch->new(...); enable "Plack::Middleware::AccessLog", logger => sub { $logger->log(level => 'debug', message => @_) };
Sets a callback to print log message to. It prints to the
output stream by default.
SEE ALSO Rack::CustomLogger