Dredd::Hooks::Methods - Sugar module for each of writing Dredd Hookfiles


#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Dredd::Hooks::Methods;

before('/messages > GET' => sub {
    my ($transaction) = @_;

    $transaction->{headers}{RawData}{Auth} = 'Basic: hud87y2h8o7ysdiuhlku12h=='


Dredd::Hooks::Methods provides useful functions for writing Dredd hook files.

Dredd is a testing framework for testing API BluePrint formatted API definition files against the implemenation that exposes that API. This is useful to ensure that the API documentation doesn't get out of sync with an new code changes.

Dredd::Hooks provides and implementation of the Dredd hooks handler socket interface and ensures that hooks from user defined hook files are run in the correct order and with the correct information.

Dredd::Hooks::Methods provides functionallity that allow the user to define the hooks files that get run and their functionality.

Creating a hook file

Hookfiles are plain .pl perl files containing some callbacks that are run for specific events.

The hookfile should have a .pl file extention (required by the dredd funtion and are provided as an argument to the dredd code:

dredd apiary.apib http://localhost:5000 --language perl --hookfiles=./hooks/hooks_*.pl

for each event listed in the Dredd documentation a method is provided that takes a sub ref that will be run for that event, This event will receive a transaction (HashRef) or an arrayref of transactions that it should modify in place. The return value of this function will be ignored:

beforeAll(sub {
    my ($transactions) = @_;

beforeEach(sub {
    my ($transaction) = @_;

See the each event below for the which events take which arguments. If multiple callbacks are defined for the same event then these will be run individually in the order defined. e.g:

beforeAll(sub {
    ... # Run First

beforeAll(sub {
    ... # Run Second

You can also supply multiple files (or a glob) to the dredd command and these will all be coallated together. Allowing spefic hooks for specific transactions or event types.

All events are run in a specific order:

beforeAll - Run before all transactions
beforeEach - Run before each transaction
before - Run before specific transactions
beforeEachValidation - Run before each Validation step
beforeValidation - Run before a specific validation step
after - Run after a specific transaction
afterEach - Run after each transaction
afterAll - Run after all transactions


beforeAll (callback Sub)

The beforeAll event is triggered before all transactions are run. As such it is an ideal place to run test setup code.

The hook will receive an array of transaction hashrefs representing each transaction that will be implemented.

beforeEach (callback Sub)

The beforeEach event is called for before each transaction is run.

The hook will receive a single transaction hashref.

NOTE: This event from Dredd triggers the before event

before (name Str, callback Sub)

The before event is called for each transaction whose name attribute matches that given in the hook creation.

The hook will receive a single transaction hashref.

NOTE: before is not actually and event called by Dredd directly but it is called after the beforeEach event.

beforeEachValidation (callback Sub)

The beforeEachValidation event is called for before each transactions result is validated.

The hook will receive a single transaction hashref.

NOTE: This event is from Dredd triggers the beforeValidation event

beforeValidation (name Str, callback Sub)

The beforeEachValidation event is called for before the validation of each transactions result, whose transaction name matches the name supplied to this function, is validatated.

The hook will receive a single transaction hashref.

NOTE: beforeValidation is not actually and event called by Dredd directly but it is called after the beforeEachValidation event.

after (name Str, callback Sub)

The after event is called after each transaction whose name attribute matches that given in the hook creation.

The hook will receive a single transaction hashref.

NOTE: after is not actually and event called by Dredd directly but it is called before the afterEach event.

beforeEach (callback Sub)

The afterEach event is called for after each transaction is run.

The hook will receive a single transaction hashref.

NOTE: This event from Dredd triggers the after event

afterAll (callback Sub)

The afterAll event is triggers after all transactions are run. As such it is an ideal place to run test teardown code.

The hook will receive an array of transaction hashrefs representing each transaction that will be implemented.