XML::LibXML::Document - DOM Document Class
use XML::LibXML::Document;
$dom = XML::LibXML::Document->new( $version, $encoding )
$dom = XML::LibXML::Document->createDocument( $version, $encoding );
$docstring = $dom->toString();
$bool = $dom->is_valid();
$root = $dom->getDocumentElement($name, $namespace );
$dom->setDocumentElement( $root );
$element = $dom->createElement( $nodename );
$text = $dom->createTextNode( $content_text );
$comment = $dom->createComment( $comment_text );
$cdata = $dom->create( $cdata_content );
The Document Class is the result of a parsing process. But sometimes it is needed, to create a Document from scratch. The provides functions that are conform to the DOM Core naming style.
- new
alias for createDocument()
- createDocument
The constructor for the document class. As Parameter it takes the version string and (optionally) the ecoding string. Simply calling createDocument will create the document:
<?xml version="your version" encoding="your encoding"?>
- toString
toString is a deparsing function, so the DOM Tree can be translated into a string, ready for output.
- is_valid
Returns either TRUE or FALSE depending on the DOM Tree is a valid Document or not.
- getDocumentElement
Returns the root element of the Document. A document can have just one root element to contain the documents data.
- setDocumentElement
This function enables you to set the root element for a document. The function supports the import of a node from a different document tree.
- createElement
This function creates a new Element Node bound to the DOM with the name $nodename .
- createTextNode
As an equivalent of createElement , but it creates a Text Node bound to the DOM.
- createComment
As an equivalent of createElement , but it creates a Comment Node bound to the DOM.
- createCDATASection
Similar to createTextNode and createComment, this function creates a CDataSection bound to the current DOM.
XML::LibXML, XML::LibXML::Element, XML::LibXML::Text, XML::LibXML::Comment