XML::XPath::XMLParser - The default XML parsing class that produces a node tree
my $parser = XML::XPath::XMLParser->new(
filename => $self->get_filename,
xml => $self->get_xml,
ioref => $self->get_ioref,
parser => $self->get_parser,
my $root_node = $parser->parse;
This module generates a node tree for use as the context node for XPath processing. It aims to be a quick parser, nothing fancy, and yet has to store more information than most parsers. To achieve this I've used array refs everywhere - no hashes. I don't have any performance figures for the speedups achieved, so I make no appologies for anyone not used to using arrays instead of hashes. I think they make good sense here where we know the attributes of each type of node.
Node Structure
All nodes have the same first 2 entries in the array: node_parent and node_pos. The type of the node is determined using the ref() function. The node_parent always contains an entry for the parent of the current node - except for the root node which has undef in there. And node_pos is the position of this node in the array that it is in (think: $node == $node->[node_parent]->[node_children]->[$node->[node_pos]] )
Nodes are structured as follows:
Root Node
The root node is just an element node with no parent.
undef, # node_parent - check for undef to identify root node
undef, # node_pos
undef, # node_prefix
[ ... ], # node_children (see below)
Element Node
$parent, # node_parent
<position in current array>, # node_pos
'xxx', # node_prefix - namespace prefix on this element
[ ... ], # node_children
'yyy', # node_name - element name
[ ... ], # node_attribs - attributes on this element
[ ... ], # node_namespaces - namespaces currently in scope
Attribute Node
$parent, # node_parent - the element node
<position in current array>, # node_pos
'xxx', # node_prefix - namespace prefix on this element
'href', # node_key - attribute name
'', # node_value - value in the node
Namespace Nodes
Each element has an associated set of namespace nodes that are currently in scope. Each namespace node stores a prefix and the expanded name (retrieved from the xmlns:prefix="..." attribute).
'a', # node_prefix - the namespace as it was written as a prefix
'', # node_expanded - the expanded name.
Text Nodes
'This is some text' # node_text - the text in the node
Comment Nodes
'This is a comment' # node_comment
Processing Instruction Nodes
'target', # node_target
'data', # node_data
There are a couple of utility function in here, located here because this is where specific knowledge of the node structure is.
When passed a node this will correctly dump out XML that corresponds to that node. (actually that's not strictly true - if you pass it anything other than an element node then it won't be proper XML at all). It should do all the appropriate escaping, etc.
This returns the "string-value" of a node, as per the spec. It probably doesn't need to be used by anyone except people developing XPath routines.
This file is distributed as part of the XML::XPath module, and is copyright 2000 Fastnet Software Ltd. Please see the documentation for the module as a whole for licencing information.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 364:
=pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 26 lines of content