Catmandu::Importer - Namespace for packages that can import
use Catmandu::Importer::JSON;
my $importer = Catmandu::Importer::JSON->new(file => "/foo/bar.json");
my $n = $importer->each(sub {
my $hashref = $_[0];
# ...
A Catmandu::Importer is a stub for Perl packages that can import data from an external source (a file, the network, ...).
Every Catmandu::Importer is a Catmandu::Fixable and thus provides a 'fix' parameter that can be set in the constructor. For every item returned by the generator the given fixes will be applied first.
new(file => $file , encoding => $encoding )
Create a new importer reading input from a local file: $file is a string containing the path to the file.
new(fh => $fh , encoding => $encoding)
Create a new importer by reading from a IO::Handle. Optionally use Catmandu::Util::io to create IO::Handles.
Every Catmandu::Importer is a Catmandu::Iterable all its methods are inherited.
Return the current logger. Can be used when creating your own Importers.
package Catmandu::Importer::Mock;
use namespace::clean;
use Catmandu::Sane;
use Moo;
with 'Catmandu::Importer';
has size => (is => 'ro');
sub generator {
my ($self) = @_;
my $n = 0;
sub {
$self->log->debug("generating record $n");
return if defined $self->size && $n == $self->size;
return { n => $n++ };
See also: Catmandu for activating the logger in your main code.