Representation of a property of a cmis object
- new(%params)
- toString
string representation of this property
- toXml($xmlDoc)
returns an XML::LibXml::Node representing this property. $xmlDoc is the document to allocate the xml node for.
- getId
getter for propertyDefinitionId
- getNodeName
returns the xml node name for this property
- getValue
getter for property value
- setValue($cmisValue) -> $perlValue
setter for property value, converting it to the specific perl representation
- parse($cmisValue) -> $perlValue
parses a cmis value into its perl representation.
- unparse($perlValue) $cmisValue
converts a perl representation back to a format understood by cmis
- load
static helper utility to create a property object loading it from its xml representation
- newBoolean(%params) -> $propertyBoolean
static helper utility to create a property boolean.
- newDateTime(%params) -> $propertyDateTime
static helper utility to create a property string.
- newDecimal(%params) -> $propertyDecimal
static helper utility to create a property string.
- newId(%params) -> $propertyId
static helper utility to create a property string.
- newInteger(%params) -> $propertyInteger
static helper utility to create a property string.
- newString(%params) -> $propertyString
static helper utility to create a property string.
- parseDateTime($string) -> $epochSeconds
helper utility to parse an iso date into epoch seconds
- formatDateTime($epochSeconds) -> $isoDate
helper utility to format epoch seconds to iso date
- parseBoolean($string) -> $boolean
helper utility to parse a boolean
- formatBoolean($boolean) -> $string
helper utility to format a boolean
- parseId($string) -> $boolean
helper utility to parse a cmis:id
- formatId($id) -> $string
helper utility to format an id
- parseInteger($string) -> $integer
helper utility to parse an integer
- formatInteger($int) -> $string
helper utility to format an integer
- parseDecimal($string) -> $decimal
helper utility to parse a decimal
- formatDecimal($decimal) -> $string
helper utility to format a decimal
Copyright 2012 Michael Daum
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See