MooseX::Clone::Meta::Attribute::Trait::Clone - The Moose::Meta::Attribute trait for deeply cloning attributes.


# see MooseX::Clone

has foo => (
	traits => [qw(Clone)],
	isa => "Something",

$object->clone; # will recursively call $object->foo->clone and set the value properly


This meta attribute trait provides a clone_value method, in the spirit of get_value and set_value. This allows clone methods such as the one in MooseX::Clone to make use of this per-attribute cloning behavior.


Deriving this role for your own cloning purposes is encouraged.

This will allow your fine grained cloning semantics to interact with MooseX::Clone in the Right™ way.


clone_value $target, $proto, %args

Clones the value the attribute encapsulates from $proto into $target.

clone_value_data $value, %args

Does the actual cloning of the value data by delegating to a clone method on the object if any.

If the object does not support a clone method an error is thrown.

If the value is not an object then it will not be cloned.

In the future support for deep cloning of simple refs will be added too.

clone_object_value $object, %args

This is the actual workhorse of clone_value_data.