LWP::ConsoleLogger::Easy - Easy LWP tracing and debugging


version 0.000043


use LWP::ConsoleLogger::Easy qw( debug_ua );
use WWW::Mechanize;

my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new;
my $logger = debug_ua( $mech );

# now watch the console for debugging output

# ...
# stop dumping headers
$logger->dump_headers( 0 );

# Redact sensitive data
$ENV{LWPCL_REDACT_HEADERS} = 'Authorization,Foo,Bar';
$ENV{LWPCL_REDACT_PARAMS} = 'seekrit,password,credit_card';

my $quiet_logger = debug_ua( $mech, 1 );

my $noisy_logger = debug_ua( $mech, 5 );


This module gives you the easiest possible introduction to LWP::ConsoleLogger. It offers one wrapper around LWP::ConsoleLogger: debug_ua. This function allows you to get up and running quickly with just a couple of lines of code. It instantiates user-agent logging and also returns a LWP::ConsoleLogger object, which you may then tweak to your heart's desire.

If you're able to install HTML::FormatText::Lynx then you'll get highly readable HTML to text conversions.


debug_ua( $mech, $verbosity )

When called without a verbosity argument, this function turns on all logging. I'd suggest going with this to start with and then turning down the verbosity after that. This method returns an LWP::ConsoleLogger object, which you may tweak to your heart's desire.

my $ua_logger = debug_ua( $ua );
$ua_logger->content_pre_filter( sub {...} );
$ua_logger->logger( Log::Dispatch->new(...) );


$ua may be one of several user-agents, including LWP::UserAgent, Mojo::UserAgent, and WWW::Mechanize.

You can provide a verbosity level of 0 or more. (Currently 0 - 8 supported.) This will turn up the verbosity on your output gradually. A verbosity of 0 will display nothing. 8 will display all available outputs.

# don't get too verbose
my $ua_logger = debug_ua( $ua, 4 );


This method sets up response and request handlers on your user agent. This is done for you automatically if you're using debug_ua.



A comma-separated list of header values to redact from output.

$ENV{LWPCL_REDACT_HEADERS} = 'Authorization,Foo,Bar';

Output will be something like:

| Request Header | Value            |
| Authorization  | [REDACTED]       |
| Content-Length | 0                |
| User-Agent     | libwww-perl/6.15 |

Use at the command line.

LWPCL_REDACT_HEADERS='Authorization,Foo,Bar' perl


A comma-separated list of parameter values to redact from output.

$ENV{LWPCL_REDACT_PARAMS} = 'credit_card,foo,bar';

Use at the command line.

LWPCL_REDACT_PARAMS='credit_card,foo,bar' perl

| Key         | Value      |
| credit_card | [REDACTED] |


Text formatting now defaults to attempting to use HTML::FormatText::Lynx to format HTML as text. If you do not have this installed, we'll fall back to using HTML::Restrict to remove any HTML tags which you have not specifically whitelisted.

If you have HTML::FormatText::Lynx installed, but you don't want to use it, override the default filter:

my $logger = debug_ua( $mech );
$logger->text_pre_filter( sub { return shift } );


Please see the "examples" folder in this distribution for more ideas on how to use this module.


Olaf Alders <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2014-2019 by MaxMind, Inc.

This is free software, licensed under:

The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)