Facebook::OpenGraph::Response - Response object for Facebook::OpenGraph.
my $res = Facebook::OpenGraph::Response->new($http_status_code, $http_status_message, $response_headers, $response_content);
This handles response object for Facebook::OpenGraph.
Class Methods
Facebook::OpenGraph::Response->new($status_code :Int, $status_mess :Str, $headers :ArrayRef, $content :Str) :Object
Creates and returns a new Facebook::OpenGraph::Response object.
Instance Methods
$res->code() :Int
Returns HTTP status code
$res->message() :Str
Returns HTTP status message
$res->content() :Str
Returns response body
$res->is_success() :Bool
Returns if status is 2XX or 304. 304 is added to handle $fb->fetch_with_etag();
$res->error_string() :Str
Returns error string.
$res->as_json() :Str
Returns response content as JSON string. Most of the time the response content itself is JSON formatted so it basically returns response content without doing anything. When Graph API returns plain text just saying 'true' or 'false,' it turns the content into JSON format like '{"success" : "(true|false)"}' so you can handle it in the same way as other case.
$res->as_hashref() :HashRef
Returns response content in hash reference.
$res->is_modified() :Bool
Returns if target object is modified. This method is called in $fb->fetch_with_etag().