SNMP::Info::Layer2::HP - SNMP Interface to HP Procurve Switches
Max Baker
# Let SNMP::Info determine the correct subclass for you.
my $hp = new SNMP::Info(
AutoSpecify => 1,
Debug => 1,
DestHost => 'myswitch',
Community => 'public',
Version => 2
or die "Can't connect to DestHost.\n";
my $class = $hp->class();
print "SNMP::Info determined this device to fall under subclass : $class\n";
Provides abstraction to the configuration information obtainable from a HP ProCurve Switch via SNMP.
Note: Some HP Switches will connect via SNMP version 1, but a lot of config data will not be available. Make sure you try and connect with Version 2 first, and then fail back to version 1.
For speed or debugging purposes you can call the subclass directly, but not after determining a more specific class using the method above.
my $hp = new SNMP::Info::Layer2::HP(...);
Inherited Classes
Required MIBs
- RFC1271-MIB
Included in V2 mibs from Cisco
(this MIB new with SNMP::Info 0.8)
The last four MIBs listed are from HP and can be found at or
Change Log
Version 0.4 - Removed ENTITY-MIB e_*() methods to separate sub-class - SNMP::Info::Entity
These are methods that return scalar value from SNMP
- $hp->cpu()
Returns CPU Utilization in percentage.
- $hp->log()
Returns all the log entries from the switch's log that are not Link up or down messages.
- $hp->mem_free()
Returns bytes of free memory
- $hp->mem_total()
Return bytes of total memory
- $hp->mem_used()
Returns bytes of used memory
- $hp->model()
Returns the model number of the HP Switch. Will translate between the HP Part number and the common model number with this map :
%MODEL_MAP = ( 'J8131A' => 'WAP-420-WW', 'J8130A' => 'WAP-420-NA', 'J8133A' => 'AP520WL', 'J8680A' => '9408sl', 'J9091A' => '8212zl', 'J9475A' => '8206zl', 'J9265A' => '6600ml-24XG', 'J9264A' => '6600ml-24G-4XG', 'J9263A' => '6600ml-24G', 'J9452A' => '6600-48G-4XG', 'J9451A' => '6600-48G', 'J8474A' => '6410cl-6XG', 'J8433A' => '6400cl-6XG', 'J8992A' => '6200yl-24G', 'J4902A' => '6108', 'J8698A' => '5412zl', 'J8719A' => '5408yl', 'J8697A' => '5406zl', 'J8718A' => '5404yl', 'J4819A' => '5308XL', 'J4850A' => '5304XL', 'J8773A' => '4208vl', 'J8770A' => '4204vl', 'J8772A' => '4202vl-72', 'J9032A' => '4202vl-68G', 'J9031A' => '4202vl-68', 'J8771A' => '4202vl-48G', 'J4865A' => '4108GL', 'J4887A' => '4104GL', 'J8693A' => '3500yl-48G-PWR', 'J8692A' => '3500yl-24G-PWR', 'J9473A' => '3500-48-PoE', 'J9472A' => '3500-48', 'J9471A' => '3500-24-PoE', 'J9470A' => '3500-24', 'J4906A' => '3400cl-48G', 'J4905A' => '3400cl-24G', 'J4815A' => '3324XL', 'J4851A' => '3124', 'J9148A' => '2910al-48G-PoE+', 'J9147A' => '2910al-48G', 'J9146A' => '2910al-24G-PoE+', 'J9145A' => '2910al-24G', 'J9050A' => '2900-48G', 'J9049A' => '2900-24G', 'J4904A' => '2848', 'J4903A' => '2824', 'J9022A' => '2810-48G', 'J9021A' => '2810-24G', 'J8165A' => '2650-PWR', 'J4899B' => '2650-CR', 'J4899C' => '2650C', 'J4899A' => '2650', 'J8164A' => '2626-PWR', 'J4900B' => '2626-CR', 'J4900C' => '2626C', 'J4900A' => '2626', 'J9089A' => '2610-48-PWR', 'J9088A' => '2610-48', 'J9087A' => '2610-24-PWR', 'J9086A' => '2610-24/12PWR', 'J9085A' => '2610-24', 'J8762A' => '2600-8-PWR', 'J4813A' => '2524', 'J9137A' => '2520-8-PoE', 'J9138A' => '2520-24-PoE', 'J4812A' => '2512', 'J9280A' => '2510G-48', 'J9279A' => '2510G-24', 'J9020A' => '2510-48A', 'J9019B' => '2510-24B', 'J9019A' => '2510-24A', 'J4818A' => '2324', 'J4817A' => '2312', 'J9029A' => '1800-8G', 'J9028A' => '1800-24G', );
- $hp->os()
Returns hp
- $hp->os_bin()
- $hp->os_ver()
Tries to use os_version() and if that fails will try and cull the version from the description field.
- $hp->os_version()
- $hp->serial()
Returns serial number if available through SNMP
- $hp->slots()
Returns number of entries in $hp->e_name that have 'slot' in them.
- $hp->vendor()
- $hp->fan()
Returns fan status
- $hp->ps1_status()
Power supply 1 status
- $hp->ps2_status()
Power supply 2 status
- $hp->peth_port_power()
Power supplied by PoE ports, in milliwatts ("hpicfPoePethPsePortPower")
- $hp->stp_ver()
Returns what version of STP the device is running. ("hpicfBridgeRstpForceVersion" with fallback to inherited stp_ver())
Globals imported from SNMP::Info::Layer2
See documentation in "GLOBALS" in SNMP::Info::Layer2 for details.
Globals imported from SNMP::Info::LLDP
See documentation in "GLOBALS" in SNMP::Info::LLDP for details.
Globals imported from SNMP::Info::MAU
See documentation in "GLOBALS" in SNMP::Info::MAU for details.
These are methods that return tables of information in the form of a reference to a hash.
- $hp->interfaces()
Uses $hp->i_description()
- $hp->i_duplex()
Returns reference to map of IIDs to current link duplex.
- $hp->i_duplex_admin()
Returns reference to hash of IIDs to admin duplex setting.
- $hp->vendor_i_type()
Returns reference to hash of IIDs to HP specific port type (hpSwitchPortType).
- $hp->i_name()
Crosses i_name() with $hp->e_name() using $hp->e_port() and i_alias()
- $hp->peth_port_ifindex()
Returns reference to hash of power Ethernet port table entries map back to interface index (c<ifIndex>)
Topology information
Based upon the firmware version HP devices may support Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP), or both. These methods will query both and return the combination of all information. As a result, there may be identical topology information returned from the two protocols causing duplicate entries. It is the calling program's responsibility to identify any duplicate entries and remove duplicates if necessary.
- $hp->hasCDP()
Returns true if the device is running either CDP or LLDP.
- $hp->c_if()
Returns reference to hash. Key: iid Value: local device port (interfaces)
- $hp->c_ip()
Returns reference to hash. Key: iid Value: remote IPv4 address
If multiple entries exist with the same local port, c_if(), with the same IPv4 address, c_ip(), it may be a duplicate entry.
If multiple entries exist with the same local port, c_if(), with different IPv4 addresses, c_ip(), there is either a non-CDP/LLDP device in between two or more devices or multiple devices which are not directly connected.
Use the data from the Layer2 Topology Table below to dig deeper.
- $hp->c_port()
Returns reference to hash. Key: iid Value: remote port (interfaces)
- $hp->c_id()
Returns reference to hash. Key: iid Value: string value used to identify the chassis component associated with the remote system.
- $hp->c_platform()
Returns reference to hash. Key: iid Value: Remote Device Type
Table Methods imported from SNMP::Info::Layer2
See documentation in "TABLE METHODS" in SNMP::Info::Layer2 for details.
Table Methods imported from SNMP::Info::LLDP
See documentation in "TABLE METHODS" in SNMP::Info::LLDP for details.
Table Methods imported from SNMP::Info::MAU
See documentation in "TABLE METHODS" in SNMP::Info::MAU for details.
These are methods that provide SNMP set functionality for overridden methods or provide a simpler interface to complex set operations. See "SETTING DATA VIA SNMP" in SNMP::Info for general information on set operations.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 1003:
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