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Bencher::Scenario::CBlocks::Numeric - Benchmark numeric performance of C::Blocks


This document describes version 0.003 of Bencher::Scenario::CBlocks::Numeric (from Perl distribution Bencher-Scenarios-CBlocks), released on 2017-07-03.


To run benchmark with default option:

 % bencher -m CBlocks::Numeric

To run module startup overhead benchmark:

 % bencher --module-startup -m CBlocks::Numeric

For more options (dump scenario, list/include/exclude/add participants, list/include/exclude/add datasets, etc), see bencher or run bencher --help.


Each code generates random number (the perl participant using pure-perl code.

Packaging a benchmark script as a Bencher scenario makes it convenient to include/exclude/add participants/datasets (either via CLI or Perl code), send the result to a central repository, among others . See Bencher and bencher (CLI) for more details.


Version numbers shown below are the versions used when running the sample benchmark.

C::Blocks 0.41


  • perl (perl_code)

    Code template:

     my $a = 698769069;
     my ($x, $y, $z, $c) = (123456789, 362436000, 521288629, 7654321);
     my $rand;
     for (1 .. <N>) {
         my $t;
         $x = 69069*$x+12345;
         $y ^= ($y<<13); $y ^= ($y>>17); $y ^= ($y<<5);
         $t = $a*$z+$c; $c = ($t>>32);
         $z = $t;
         $rand = $x+$y+$z;
     return $rand;
  • C::Blocks (perl_code)

    Code template:

     use C::Blocks;
     use C::Blocks::Types qw(uint);
     clex {
         /* Note: y must never be set to zero;
          * z and c must not be simultaneously zero */
         unsigned int x = 123456789,y = 362436000,
             z = 521288629,c = 7654321; /* State variables */
         unsigned int KISS() {
             unsigned long long t, a = 698769069ULL;
             x = 69069*x+12345;
             y ^= (y<<13); y ^= (y>>17); y ^= (y<<5);
             t = a*z+c; c = (t>>32);
             return x+y+(z=t);
     my uint $to_return = 0;
     cblock {
         for (int i = 0; i < <N>; i++) $to_return = KISS();
     return $to_return;


  • 10

  • 31

  • 100

  • 316

  • 1000

  • 3235

  • 10000

  • 31622

  • 100000

  • 316227


Run on: perl: v5.24.0, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) M-5Y71 CPU @ 1.20GHz (2 cores), OS: GNU/Linux LinuxMint version 17.3, OS kernel: Linux version 3.19.0-32-generic.

Benchmark with default options (bencher -m CBlocks::Numeric):

 | participant | dataset | rate (/s) | time (ms)   | vs_slowest |  errors   | samples |
 | C::Blocks   | 316227  |      6.43 | 155         |       1    |   0.00014 |       6 |
 | perl        | 316227  |      6.95 | 144         |       1.08 | 8.3e-05   |       6 |
 | C::Blocks   | 100000  |     19.8  |  50.6       |       3.07 | 3.3e-05   |       6 |
 | perl        | 100000  |     22.1  |  45.3       |       3.43 | 3.2e-05   |       9 |
 | C::Blocks   | 31622   |     66.5  |  15         |      10.3  | 2.9e-06   |       6 |
 | perl        | 31622   |     70.4  |  14.2       |      10.9  |   2e-06   |       6 |
 | perl        | 10000   |    133    |   7.516     |      20.68 | 3.9e-07   |       6 |
 | perl        | 3235    |    683.8  |   1.462     |     106.3  | 9.7e-08   |       6 |
 | perl        | 1000    |   2212.87 |   0.451902  |     344    | 5.3e-11   |       6 |
 | perl        | 316     |   6993.43 |   0.142991  |    1087.16 | 6.4e-11   |       6 |
 | C::Blocks   | 10000   |   8480.48 |   0.117918  |    1318.33 |   0       |       6 |
 | C::Blocks   | 100     |  20854.2  |   0.0479519 |    3241.88 |   0       |       6 |
 | perl        | 100     |  21400    |   0.0468    |    3320    | 2.3e-08   |       7 |
 | C::Blocks   | 3235    |  32577.3  |   0.0306962 |    5064.28 | 2.1e-11   |       6 |
 | C::Blocks   | 31      |  65280.9  |   0.0153184 |   10148.2  |   0       |       6 |
 | perl        | 31      |  69735.4  |   0.0143399 |   10840.7  |   0       |       6 |
 | C::Blocks   | 1000    | 103887    |   0.0096258 |   16149.7  |   0       |       6 |
 | C::Blocks   | 10      | 202450    |   0.0049396 |   31471    | 2.1e-11   |       6 |
 | perl        | 10      | 210000    |   0.0047    |   33000    | 1.1e-08   |       7 |
 | C::Blocks   | 316     | 323000    |   0.00309   |   50300    |   3e-09   |       6 |

Benchmark module startup overhead (bencher -m CBlocks::Numeric --module-startup):

 | participant         | proc_private_dirty_size (MB) | proc_rss_size (MB) | proc_size (MB) | time (ms) | mod_overhead_time (ms) | vs_slowest |  errors | samples |
 | C::Blocks           | 2.4                          | 5.9                | 22             |        21 |                     16 |        1   | 8.2e-05 |       6 |
 | perl -e1 (baseline) | 0.83                         | 4.1                | 16             |         5 |                      0 |        4.2 | 1.3e-05 |       7 |

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Please visit the project's homepage at


Source repository is at


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.



perlancar <>


This software is copyright (c) 2017 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.