Sah::Schema::str_or_code - String or coderef (if string is of the form `sub {...}`)
This document describes version 0.016 of Sah::Schema::str_or_code (from Perl distribution Sah-Schemas-Str), released on 2023-10-23.
Sample data and validation results against this schema
"" # valid
"a" # valid
{} # INVALID (Not a string)
"sub {}" # valid
"sub{\"foo\"}" # valid
"sub {" # valid (Becomes a string)
"sub {1=2}" # INVALID (Code does not compile)
Using with Data::Sah
To check data against this schema (requires Data::Sah):
use Data::Sah qw(gen_validator);
my $validator = gen_validator("str_or_code*");
say $validator->($data) ? "valid" : "INVALID!";
The above validator returns a boolean result (true if data is valid, false if otherwise). To return an error message string instead (empty string if data is valid, a non-empty error message otherwise):
my $validator = gen_validator("str_or_code", {return_type=>'str_errmsg'});
my $errmsg = $validator->($data);
# a sample valid data
$data = "sub{\"foo\"}";
my $errmsg = $validator->($data); # => ""
# a sample invalid data
$data = "sub {1=2}";
my $errmsg = $validator->($data); # => "Error in compiling code: Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment at (eval 2804) line 1, at EOF\n"
Often a schema has coercion rule or default value rules, so after validation the validated value will be different from the original. To return the validated (set-as-default, coerced, prefiltered) value:
my $validator = gen_validator("str_or_code", {return_type=>'str_errmsg+val'});
my $res = $validator->($data); # [$errmsg, $validated_val]
# a sample valid data
$data = "sub{\"foo\"}";
my $res = $validator->($data); # => ["",sub{BEGIN {${^WARNING_BITS} = "\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x51\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55"}use strict;no feature;use feature ':5.10';'foo'}]
# a sample invalid data
$data = "sub {1=2}";
my $res = $validator->($data); # => ["Error in compiling code: Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment at (eval 2818) line 1, at EOF\n","sub {1=2}"]
Data::Sah can also create validator that returns a hash of detailed error message. Data::Sah can even create validator that targets other language, like JavaScript, from the same schema. Other things Data::Sah can do: show source code for validator, generate a validator code with debug comments and/or log statements, generate human text from schema. See its documentation for more details.
Using with Params::Sah
To validate function parameters against this schema (requires Params::Sah):
use Params::Sah qw(gen_validator);
sub myfunc {
my @args = @_;
state $validator = gen_validator("str_or_code*");
Using with Perinci::CmdLine::Lite
To specify schema in Rinci function metadata and use the metadata with Perinci::CmdLine (Perinci::CmdLine::Lite) to create a CLI:
# in lib/
our %SPEC;
$SPEC{myfunc} = {
v => 1.1,
summary => 'Routine to do blah ...',
args => {
arg1 => {
summary => 'The blah blah argument',
schema => ['str_or_code*'],
sub myfunc {
my %args = @_;
# in
use Perinci::CmdLine::Any;
# in command-line
% ./ --help
myapp - Routine to do blah ...
% ./ --version
% ./ --arg1 ...
Using on the CLI with validate-with-sah
To validate some data on the CLI, you can use validate-with-sah utility. Specify the schema as the first argument (encoded in Perl syntax) and the data to validate as the second argument (encoded in Perl syntax):
% validate-with-sah '"str_or_code*"' '"data..."'
has several options for, e.g. validating multiple data, showing the generated validator code (Perl/JavaScript/etc), or loading schema/data from file. See its manpage for more details.
Using with Type::Tiny
To create a type constraint and type library from a schema (requires Type::Tiny as well as Type::FromSah):
package My::Types {
use Type::Library -base;
use Type::FromSah qw( sah2type );
sah2type('str_or_code*', name=>'StrOrCode')
use My::Types qw(StrOrCode);
Either string or coderef is accepted.
If string matches the regex qr/\Asub\s*\{.*\}\z/s
, then it will be eval'ed into a coderef. If the code fails to compile, the value will be rejected. Note that this means you accept arbitrary code from the user to execute! Please make sure first and foremost that this is acceptable in your case.
Currently string is eval'ed in the main
package, without use strict
or use warnings
This schema is handy if you want to accept string or coderef from the command-line.
Please visit the project's homepage at
Source repository is at
perlancar <>
To contribute, you can send patches by email/via RT, or send pull requests on GitHub.
Most of the time, you don't need to build the distribution yourself. You can simply modify the code, then test via:
% prove -l
If you want to build the distribution (e.g. to try to install it locally on your system), you can install Dist::Zilla, Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, and sometimes one or two other Dist::Zilla- and/or Pod::Weaver plugins. Any additional steps required beyond that are considered a bug and can be reported to me.
This software is copyright (c) 2023, 2022, 2020 by perlancar <>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.