Module::Starter - Starter kit for any module


Version 1.20

$Header: /home/cvs/module-starter/,v 1.39 2004/07/12 03:29:05 andy Exp $


Nothing in here is meant for public consumption. Use module-starter from the command line.

module-starter --module=Foo::Bar,Foo::Bat \
    --author="Andy Lester"

Public Methods


create_distro is the only method you should need to use from outside this module; all the other methods are called internally by this one.

This method creates orchestrates all the work; it creates distribution and populates it with the all the requires files.

It takes a hash of params, as follows:

distro  => $distroname,      # distribution name (defaults to first module)
modules => [ module names ], # modules to create in distro
dir     => $dirname,         # directory in which to build distro
builder => 'Module::Build',  # defaults to ExtUtils::MakeMaker
                             # or specify more than one builder in an
                             # arrayref

license => $license,  # type of license; defaults to 'perl'
author  => $author,   # author's full name (required)
email   => $email,    # author's email address (required)

verbose => $verbose,  # bool: print progress messages; defaults to 0
force   => $force     # bool: overwrite existing files; defaults to 0

Private Methods

All the methods documented below are object methods, meant to be called internally by the ephemperal objects created during the execution of the class method create_distro above.


Creates the base directory for the distribution. If the directory already exists, and $force is true, then the existing directory will get erased.

If the directory can't be created, or re-created, it dies.

create_modules( @modules )

This method will create a starter module file for each module named in @modules.

module_guts( $module, $rtname )

This method returns the text which should serve as the contents for the named module. $rtname is the email suffix which will use for bug reports. (This should, and will, be moved out of the parameters for this method eventually.)



sub function2 { }

==head1 Author

$self->{author}, <$self->{email}>

==head1 Bugs

Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-$rtname\, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

==head1 Copyright & License

Copyright $year $self->{author}, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


1; # End of $module HERE $content =~ s/^==/=/smg; return $content; }

# _create_module: used by create_modules to build each file and put data in it

sub _create_module { my $self = shift; my $module = shift; my $rtname = shift;

my @parts = split( /::/, $module );
my $filepart = (pop @parts) . ".pm";
my @dirparts = ( $self->{basedir}, 'lib', @parts );
my $manifest_file = join( "/", "lib", @parts, $filepart );
if ( @dirparts ) {
    my $dir = File::Spec->catdir( @dirparts );
    if ( not -d $dir ) {
        local @ARGV = $dir;
        mkpath @ARGV;
        $self->progress( "Created $dir" );

my $module_file = File::Spec->catfile( @dirparts,  $filepart );

open( my $fh, ">", $module_file ) or die "Can't create $module_file: $!\n";
print $fh $self->module_guts( $module, $rtname );
close $fh;
$self->progress( "Created $module_file" );

return $manifest_file;

sub _thisyear { (localtime())[5] + 1900 }

create_Makefile_PL( $main_module )

This will create the Makefile.PL for the distribution, and will use the module named in $main_module as the main module of the distribution.

Makefile_PL_guts( $main_module, $main_pm_file )

This method is called by create_Makefile_PL and returns text used to populate Makefile.PL; $main_pm_file is the filename of the distribution's main module, $main_module.

create_Build_PL( $main_module )

This will create the Build.PL for the distribution, and will use the module named in $main_module as the main module of the distribution.

Build_PL_guts( $main_module, $main_pm_file )

This method is called by create_Build_PL and returns text used to populate Build.PL; $main_pm_file is the filename of the distribution's main module, $main_module.

create_Changes( )

This method creates a skeletal Changes file.


Called by create_Changes, this method returns content for the Changes file.

create_README( $build_instructions )

This method creates the distribution's README file.


Called by create_README, this method returns content for the README file.

create_t( @modules )

This method creates a bunch of *.t files. @modules is a list of all modules in the distribution.

t_guts( @modules )

This method is called by create_t, and returns a description of the *.t files to be created.

The return value is a hash of test files to create. Each key is a filename and each value is the contents of that file.

create_MANIFEST( @files )

This method creates the distribution's MANIFEST file. It must be run last, because all the other create_* functions have been returning the functions they create.

MANIFEST_guts( @files )

This method is called by create_MANIFEST, and returns content for the MANIFEST file.

create_cvsignore( )

This creates a .cvsignore file in the distribution's directory so that your CVS knows to ignore certain files.


Called by create_cvsignore, this method returns the contents of the cvsignore file.

Helper Methods


verbose tells us whether we're in verbose mode.

progress( @list )

progress prints the given progress message if we're in verbose mode.


Please report any bugs or feature requests to, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


Andy Lester, <>

Copyright & License

Copyright 2004 Andy Lester, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Please note that these modules are not products of or supported by the employers of the various contributors to the code.