Data::Checks - Value constraint checking


With Signature::Attribute::Checked:

use v5.26;
use Sublike::Extended;
use Signature::Attribute::Checked;

use Data::Checks qw( Str );

extended sub greet ( $message :Checked(Str) ) {
   say "Hello, $message";

greet( "world" );  # is fine
greet( undef );    # throws an exception

With Object::Pad::FieldAttr::Checked:

use v5.22;
use Object::Pad;
use Object::Pad::FieldAttr::Checked;

use Data::Checks qw( Str );

class Datum {
   field $name :param :reader :Checked(Str);

my $x = Datum->new( name => "something" );  # is fine
my $y = Datum->new( name => undef );        # throws an exception


This module provides functions that implement various value constraint checking behaviours. These are the parts made visible by the use Data::Checks ... import line, in Perl code.

It also provides the underlying common framework XS functions to assist in writing modules that actually implement such constraint checking. These parts are not visible in Perl code, but instead made visible at the XS level by the #include "DataChecks.h" directive.


The following constraint checks are inspired by the same-named ones in Types::Standard. They may be called fully-qualified, or imported lexically into the calling scope.

Note to users familiar with Types::Standard: some of these functions behave slightly differently. In particular, these constraints are generally happy to accept an object reference to a class that provides a conversion overload, whereas the ones in Types::Standard often are not.



Passes for any defined value, fails only for undef.



Passes for any blessed object reference, fails for non-references or references to unblessed data.



Passes for any defined non-reference value, or a reference to an object in a class that overloads stringification. Fails for undefined, unblessed references, or references to objects in classes that do not overload stringification.



Passes for any defined non-reference value that is either a plain number, or a string that could be used as one without warning, or a reference to an object in a class that overloads numification. Fails for undefined, strings that would raise a warning if converted to a number, unblessed references, or references to objects in classes that do not overload numification.


The following functions are provided by the DataChecks.h header file for use in XS modules that implement value constraint checking.


void boot_data_checks(double ver);

Call this function from your BOOT section in order to initialise the module and load the rest of the support functions.

ver should either be 0 or a decimal number for the module version requirement; e.g.



struct DataChecks_Checker *make_checkdata(SV *checkspec);

Creates a struct DataChecks_Checker structure, which wraps the intent of the value constraint check. The returned value is used as the checker argument for the remaining functions.

The constraint check itself is specified by the SV given by checkspec, which should come directly from the user code. The constraint check may be specified in any of three ways:

  • An object reference in a class which has a check method. Value checks will be invoked as

    $ok = $checkerobj->check( $value );
  • A package name as a plain string of a package which has a check method. Value checks will be invoked as

    $ok = $checkerpkg->check( $value );
  • A code reference. Value checks will be invoked with a single argument, as

    $ok = $checkersub->( $value );
  • Additionally, the constraint check functions provided by this module may be implemented using any of the above mechanisms, or may use an unspecified fourth different mechanism. Outside code should not rely on what that mechanism may be.

Once constructed into a checker structure, the choice of which implementation is used is fixed, and if a method lookup is involved its result is stored directly as a CV pointer for efficiency of later invocations. In either of the first two cases, the reference count on the checkspec SV is increased to account for the argument value used on each invocation. In the third case, the reference SV is not retained, but the underlying CV it refers to has its reference count increased.


void free_checkdata(struct DataChecks_Checker *checker);

Releases any stored SVs in the checker structure, and the structure itself.


void gen_assertmess(struct DataChecks_Checker *checker, SV *name, SV *constraint);

Generates and stores a message string for the assert message to be used by "make_assertop" and "assert_value". The message will take the form

NAME requires a value satisfying CONSTRAINT

Both name and constraint SVs used as temporary strings to generate the stored message string. Neither SV is retained by the checker directly.


OP *make_assertop(struct DataChecks_Checker *checker, OP *argop);

Creates an optree fragment for a value check assertion operation.

Given an optree fragment in scalar context that generates an argument value (argop), constructs a larger optree fragment that consumes it and checks that the value passes the constraint check given by checker. The returned optree fragment will operate in void context (i.e. it does not yield the argument value itself).


bool check_value(struct DataChecks_Checker *checker, SV *value);

Checks whether a given SV passes the given constraint check, returning true if so, or false if not.


void assert_value(struct DataChecks_Checker *checker, SV *value);

Checks whether a given SV passes the given constraint check, throwing its assertion message if it does not.


Paul Evans <>