Devel::MAT::SV - represent a single SV from a heap dump


Objects in this class represent individual SV variables found in the arena during a heap dump. Actual types of SV are represented by subclasses, which are documented below.


$type = $sv->type

Returns the major type of the SV. This is the class name minus the Devel::MAT::SV:: prefix.

$desc = $sv->desc

Returns a string describing the type of the SV and giving a short detail of its contents. The exact details depends on the SV type.

$desc = $sv->desc_addr

Returns a string describing the SV as with desc and giving its address in hex. A useful way to uniquely identify the SV when printing.

$addr = $sv->addr

Returns the address of the SV

$count = $sv->refcnt

Returns the SvREFCNT reference count of the SV

$stash = $sv->blessed

If the SV represents a blessed object, returns the stash SV. Otherwise returns undef.

$size = $sv->size

Returns the (approximate) size in bytes of the SV

( $type, $sv, $type, $sv, ... ) = $sv->magic

Returns a pair list of magic applied to the SV; each giving the type and target SV.

%refs = $sv->outrefs

Returns a name/value list giving names and other SV objects for each of the SVs that this one refers to, either directly by strong or weak reference, indirectly via RV, or inferred by Devel::MAT itself.

%refs = $sv->outrefs_strong

Returns the subset of outrefs that are direct strong references.

%refs = $sv->outrefs_weak

Returns the subset of outrefs that are direct weak references.

%refs = $sv->outrefs_direct

Returns the subset of outrefs that are direct strong or weak references.

%refs = $sv->outrefs_indirect

Returns the subset of outrefs that are indirect references via RVs.

%refs = $sv->outrefs_inferred

Returns the subset of outrefs that are not directly stored in the SV structure, but instead inferred by Devel::MAT itself.


Three special SV objects exist outside of the heap, to represent undef and boolean true and false. They are

  • Devel::MAT::SV::UNDEF

  • Devel::MAT::SV::YES

  • Devel::MAT::SV::NO


Represents a glob; an SV of type SVt_PVGV.

$file = $gv->file

$line = $gv->line

$location = $gv->location

Returns the filename, line number, or combined location (FILE line LINE) that the GV first appears at.

$stash = $gv->stash

Returns the stash to which the GV belongs.

$sv = $gv->scalar

$av = $gv->array

$hv = $gv->hash

$cv = $gv->code

$gv = $gv->egv

$io = $gv->io

$form = $gv->form

Return the SV in the various glob slots.


Represents a non-referential scalar value; an SV of any of the types up to and including SVt_PVMV (that is, IV, NV, PV, PVIV, PVNV or PVMG). This includes all numbers, integers and floats, strings, and dualvars containing multiple parts.

$uv = $sv->uv

Returns the integer numeric portion as an unsigned value, if valid, or undef.

$iv = $sv->iv

Returns the integer numeric portion as a signed value, if valid, or undef.

$nv = $sv->nv

Returns the floating numeric portion, if valid, or undef.

$pv = $sv->pv

Returns the string portion, if valid, or undef.

$pvlen = $sv->pvlen

Returns the length of the string portion, if valid, or undef.

$svrv = $sv->rv

Returns the SV referred to by the reference portion, if valid, or undef.

$str = $sv->qq_pv( $maxlen )

Returns the PV string, if defined, suitably quoted. If $maxlen is defined and the PV is longer than this, it is truncated and ... is appended after the containing quote marks.

$stash = $sv->ourstash

Returns the stash of the SCALAR, if it is an 'our' variable.


Represents a referential scalar; any SCALAR-type SV with the SvROK flag set.

$weak = $sv->is_weak

Returns true if the SV is a weakened RV reference.

$stash = $sv->ourstash

Returns the stash of the SCALAR, if it is an 'our' variable.


Represents an array; an SV of type SVt_PVAV.

$unreal = $av->is_unreal

Returns true if the AvREAL() flag is not set on the array - i.e. that its SV pointers do not contribute to the SvREFCNT of the SVs it points at.

@svs = $av->elems

Returns all of the element SVs in a list

$sv = $av->elem( $index )

Returns the SV at the given index


A subclass of ARRAY, this is used to represent the PADLIST of a CODE SV.


A subclass of ARRAY, this is used to represent the PADNAMES of a CODE SV.


A subclass of ARRAY, this is used to represent a PAD of a CODE SV.

( $name, $sv, $name, $sv, ... ) = $pad->lexvars

Returns a name/value list of the lexical variables in the pad.


Represents a hash; an SV of type SVt_PVHV. The Devel::MAT::SV::STASH subclass is used to represent hashes that are used as stashes.

$av = $hv->backrefs

Returns the AV containing weak reference backrefs

@keys = $hv->keys

Returns the set of keys present in the hash, as plain perl strings, in no particular order.

$sv = $hv->value( $key )

Returns the SV associated with the given key

@svs = $hv->values

Returns all of the SVs stored as values, in no particular order.


Represents a hash used as a stash; an SV of type SVt_PVHV whose HvNAME() is non-NULL. This is a subclass of Devel::MAT::SV::HASH.

$hv = $stash->mro_linear_all

$sv = $stash->mro_linearcurrent

$sv = $stash->mro_nextmethod

$av = $stash->mro_isa

Returns the fields from the MRO structure

$name = $stash->stashname

Returns the name of the stash


Represents a function or closure; an SV of type SVt_PVCV.

$stash = $cv->stash

$gv = $cv->glob

$filename = $cv->file

$line = $cv->line

$scope_cv = $cv->scope

$av = $cv->padlist

$sv = $cv->constval

$addr = $cv->oproot

Returns the stash, glob, filename, line number, scope, padlist, constant value or oproot of the code.

$location = $cv->location

Returns FILE line LINE if the line is defined, or FILE if not.

$clone = $cv->is_clone

$cloned = $cv->is_cloned

$xsub = $cv->is_xsub

$weak = $cv->is_weakoutside

$rc = $cv->is_cvgv_rc

Returns the CvCLONE(), CvCLONED(), CvISXSUB(), CvWEAKOUTSIDE() and CvCVGV_RC() flags.

$protosub = $cv->protosub

Returns the protosub CV, if known, for a closure CV.

@svs = $cv->constants

Returns a list of the SVs used as constants or method names in the code. On ithreads perl the constants are part of the padlist structure so this list is constructed from parts of the padlist at loading time.

@svs = $cv->globrefs

Returns a list of the SVs used as GLOB references in the code. On ithreads perl the constants are part of the padlist structure so this list is constructed from parts of the padlist at loading time.

$name = $cv->padname( $padix )

Returns the name of the $padix'th lexical variable, or undef if it doesn't have a name

$padnames = $cv->padnames

Returns the AV reference directly which stores the pad names.

@pads = $cv->pads

Returns a list of the actual pad AVs.

$pad = $cv->pad( $depth )

Returns the PAD at the given depth


Paul Evans <>