Devel::MAT::Context - represent a single call context state


Objects in this class represent a single level of state from the call context. These contexts represent function calls between perl functions.


$gimme = $ctx->gimme

Returns the gimme value of the call context.

$file = $ctx->file

$line = $ctx->line

$location = $ctx->location

Returns the file, line or location as (FILE line LINE).


Represents a context which is a subroutine call.

$cv = $ctx->cv

Returns the CV which this call is to.

$args = $ctx->args

Returns the arguments AV which represents the @_ argument array.

$olddepth = $ctx->olddepth

Returns the old depth of the context (that is, the depth the CV would be at after this context returns).

$depth = $ctx->depth

Returns the actual depth of the context. This is inferred at load time by considering the olddepth of the next inner-nested call to the same CV, or from the actual depth of the CV is no other call exists.


Represents a context which is a block eval {} call.


Represents a context which is a string eval EXPR call.

$sv = $ctx->code

Returns the SV containing the text string being evaluated.


Paul Evans <>