- Provide Socket::GetAddrInfo functions which throw exceptions
use Socket qw( SOCK_STREAM );
use Socket::GetAddrInfo::Strict qw( getaddrinfo getnameinfo );
use IO::Socket;
my $sock;
my %hints = ( socktype => SOCK_STREAM );
my @res = getaddrinfo( "", "www", \%hints );
while( my $ai = shift @res ) {
$sock = IO::Socket->new();
$sock->socket( $ai->{family}, $ai->{socktype}, $ai->{protocol} ) or
undef $sock, next;
$sock->connect( $ai->{addr} ) or undef $sock, next;
if( $sock ) {
my ( $host, $service ) = getnameinfo( $sock->peername );
print "Connected to $host:$service\n";
Socket::GetAddrInfo provides the RFC 2553-specified functions of getaddrinfo
and getnameinfo
, which return lists whose first element is error value, or false indicating no error occured.
This module wraps the functions provided by Socket::GetAddrInfo
to check this error value, and throw an exception (using die
) if an error occured. If not, then the remaining values are returned as normal. This can simplify the logic of a program which otherwise simply throws its own exception on failure anyway.
@res = getaddrinfo( $host, $service, $hints )
After a successful lookup, returns the list of address structures, as documented in Socket::GetAddrInfo. If the lookup fails, an exception containing the string form of the error is thrown instead.
( $host, $service ) = getnameinfo( $addr, $flags )
After a successful lookup, returns the host and service name, as documented in Socket::GetAddrInfo. If the lookup fails, an exception containing the string form of the error is thrown instead.
Paul Evans <>