Socket::GetAddrInfo::Strict - Provide Socket::GetAddrInfo functions which throw exceptions


use Socket qw( SOCK_STREAM );
use Socket::GetAddrInfo::Strict qw( getaddrinfo getnameinfo );
use IO::Socket;

my $sock;

my %hints = ( socktype => SOCK_STREAM );
my @res = getaddrinfo( "", "www", \%hints );

while( my $ai = shift @res ) {

   $sock = IO::Socket->new();
   $sock->socket( $ai->{family}, $ai->{socktype}, $ai->{protocol} ) or
      undef $sock, next;

   $sock->connect( $ai->{addr} ) or undef $sock, next;


if( $sock ) {
   my ( $host, $service ) = getnameinfo( $sock->peername );
   print "Connected to $host:$service\n";


Socket::GetAddrInfo provides the RFC 2553-specified functions of getaddrinfo and getnameinfo, which return lists whose first element is error value, or false indicating no error occured.

This module wraps the functions provided by Socket::GetAddrInfo to check this error value, and throw an exception (using die) if an error occured. If not, then the remaining values are returned as normal. This can simplify the logic of a program which otherwise simply throws its own exception on failure anyway.


@res = getaddrinfo( $host, $service, $hints )

After a successful lookup, returns the list of address structures, as documented in Socket::GetAddrInfo. If the lookup fails, an exception containing the string form of the error is thrown instead.

( $host, $service ) = getnameinfo( $addr, $flags, $xflags )

After a successful lookup, returns the host and service name, as documented in Socket::GetAddrInfo. If the lookup fails, an exception containing the string form of the error is thrown instead.


Paul Evans <>