
Class::Usul::Programs - Provide support for command line programs


# In
use Moo;

extends q(Class::Usul::Programs);

# In
use YourClass;

exit YourClass->new( appclass => 'YourApplicationClass' )->run;


This base class provides methods common to command line programs. The constructor can initialise a multi-lingual message catalogue if required

Configuration and Environment

Supports this list of command line options:

c method

The method in the subclass to dispatch to

D debug

Turn debugging on

H help_manual

Print long help text extracted from this POD

h help_options

Print short help text extracted from this POD

? help_usage
L locale

Print text and error messages in the selected language. If no language catalogue is supplied prints text and errors in terse English. Defaults to en_GB

n noask

Do not prompt to turn debugging on

o options key=value

The method that is dispatched to can access the key/value pairs from the $self->options hash ref

q quiet_flag

Quietens the usual started/finished information messages


Prints the programs version number and exits

Defines these attributes;


Overrides the default in the base class, setting it to Class::Usul::Config::Programs


List of value that are passed to the method called by "run"

v verbose

Repeatable boolean that increases the verbosity of the output



Called just before the object is constructed this method modifier determines the location of the config file


Called just after the object is constructed this methods handles dispatching to the help methods and prompting for the debug state


$leader = $self->add_leader( $text, $args );

Prepend $self->config->name to each line of $text. If $args->{no_lead} exists then do nothing. Return $text with leader prepended


$bool = $self->can_call( $method );

Returns true if $self has a method given by $method that has defined the method method attribute


$cmd_line_option = $self->debug_flag

Returns the command line debug flag to match the current debug state

dump_self - Dumps the program object


Dumps out the self referential object using Data::Printer


$self->error( $text, $args );

Calls Class::Usul::localize with the passed args. Logs the result at the error level, then adds the program leader and prints the result to STDERR


$self->_exit_usage( $verbosity );

Print out usage information from POD. The $verbosity is; 0, 1 or 2



Prints out the version of the C::U::Programs subclass and the exits


$self->fatal( $text, $args );

Calls Class::Usul::localize with the passed args. Logs the result at the alert level, then adds the program leader and prints the result to STDERR. Exits with a return code of one



If it is an interactive session prompts the user to turn debugging on. Returns true if debug is on. Also offers the option to quit

help - Display help text about a method

$exit_code = $self->help;

Searches the programs classes and roles to find the method implementation. Displays help text from the POD that describes the method


$self->info( $text, $args );

Calls Class::Usul::localize with the passed args. Logs the result at the info level, then adds the program leader and prints the result to STDOUT


$cmd = $self->interpolate_cmd( $cmd, @args );

Calls _interpolate_${cmd}_cmd to apply the arguments to the command in a command specific way

list_methods - Lists available command line methods


Lists the methods (marked by the method subroutine attribute) that can be called via the run method


$localized_text = $self->loc( $message, @options );

Localises the message. Calls "localize" in Class::Usul::L10N. The domains to search are in the l10n_domains configuration attribute. Adds $self->locale to the arguments passed to localize


$self->output( $text, $args );

Calls Class::Usul::localize with the passed args. Adds the program leader and prints the result to STDOUT


$bool = $self->quiet( $bool );

Custom accessor/mutator for the quiet_flag attribute. Will throw if you try to turn quiet mode off


$exit_code = $self->run;

Call the method specified by the -c option on the command line. Returns the exit code


$exit_code = $self->run_chain( $method );

Called by "run" when _get_run_method cannot determine which method to call. Outputs usage if $method is undefined. Logs an error if $method is defined but not (by definition a callable method). Returns exit code FAILED


$self->warning( $text, $args );

Calls Class::Usul::localize with the passed args. Logs the result at the warning level, then adds the program leader and prints the result to STDOUT


Turning debug on produces log output at the debug level




There are no known incompatibilities in this module

Bugs and Limitations

There are no known bugs in this module. Please report problems to the address below. Patches are welcome


Peter Flanigan, <>

License and Copyright

Copyright (c) 2014 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE