Unexpected::Functions - A collection of functions used in this distribution
package YourApp::Exception;
use Moo;
extends 'Unexpected';
with 'Unexpected::TraitFor::ExceptionClasses';
package YourApp;
use Unexpected::Functions 'Unspecified';
sub EXCEPTION_CLASS { 'YourApp::Exception' }
sub throw { EXCEPTION_CLASS->throw( @_ ) }
throw Unspecified, args => [ 'parameter name' ];
A collection of functions used in this distribution
Also exports any exceptions defined by the caller's EXCEPTION_CLASS
as subroutines that return a subroutine that returns the subroutines name as a string. The calling package can then throw exceptions with a class attribute that takes these subroutines return values
Configuration and Environment
Defines no attributes
$hash_ref = build_attr_from( <whatever> );
Coerces a hash ref from whatever args are passed. This function is responsible for parsing the arguments passed to the constructor. Supports the following signatures
# no defined arguments - returns and empty hash reference
# first argument is one if our own objects - clone it
Unexpected->new( $unexpected_object_ref );
# first argument is one if our own objects, second is a hash reference
# - clone the object but mutate it using the hash reference
Unexpected->new( $unexpected_object_ref, { key => 'value', ... } );
# first argument is a code reference - the code reference returns the
# exception class and the remaining arguents are treated as a list of
# keys and values
Unexpected->new( Unspecified, args => [ 'parameter name' ] );
Unexpected->new( Unspecified, [ 'parameter name' ] ); # Shortcut
# first argmentt is a hash reference - clone it
Unexpected->new( { key => 'value', ... } );
# only one scalar argement - the error string
Unexpected->new( $error_string );
# second argement is a hash reference, first argument is the error
Unexpected->new( $error_string, { key => 'value', ... } );
# odd numbered list of arguments is the error followed by keys and values
Unexpected->new( $error_string, key => 'value', ... );
Unexecpted->new( 'File [_1] not found', args => [ $filename ] );
Unexecpted->new( 'File [_1] not found', [ $filename ] ); # Shortcut
arguments are a list of keys and values
Unexpected->new( key => 'value', ... );
use Try::Tiny;
try { die $exception_object }
catch_class [ 'exception_class' => sub { # handle exception }, ... ],
finally { # always do this };
See Try::Tiny::ByClass. Checks the exception object's class
attribute against the list of exception class names passed to catch_class
. If there is a match, call the subroutine provided to handle that exception. Re-throws the exception if there is no match or if the exception object has no class
$exception_object_ref = exception $optional_error;
A function which calls the caught class method
has_exception 'exception_name' => parents => [ 'parent_exception' ],
error => 'Error message for the exception with placeholders';
A function which calls "add_exception" in Unexpected::TraitFor::ExceptionClasses via the calling class which is assumed to inherit from a class that consumes the Unexpected::TraitFor::ExceptionClasses role
$message = inflate_message $template, $val1, $val2, ...;
Substitute the placeholders in the $template
string (e.g. [_1]) with the corresponding value
$message = interpolate_msg $options, $template, $val1, $val2, ...;
Like inflate message but you can supply an optional hash of options. Option hash keys are;
An array reference of placeholder values. Use this in place of the list of values
A reference to an array containing the default substitution values for an undefined value and a zero length value respectively
The message template
$bool = is_class_loaded $classname;
Returns true is the classname as already loaded and compiled
$bool = is_one_of_us $string_or_exception_object_ref;
Function which detects instances of this exception class
$bool = Unexpected::Functions->quote_bind_values( $bool );
Accessor / mutator class method that toggles the state on quoting the placeholder substitution values in inflate_message
. Defaults to true
throw 'Path [_1] not found', args => [ 'pathname' ];
A function which calls the throw class method
throw_on_error @optional_args;
A function which calls the throw_on_error class method
There are no known incompatibilities in this module
Bugs and Limitations
There are no known bugs in this module. Please report problems to the address below. Patches are welcome
Larry Wall - For the Perl programming language
Peter Flanigan, <>
License and Copyright
Copyright (c) 2014 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE